Check out my new blog, better looking, hopefully I'll write more often! Thank you so much for reading! Hope you follow us onto our next adventure!

Saturday, December 17, 2011
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Hometown, Shometown... I live everywhere (in the Midwest) now!
After one month in Minnesota, I managed to weasel in a trip back home to Oxford! I obvi can't stay away from the town I lived in for um... 24 years straight. That's a long time and I'm kind of embarrassed. Jarod is back in town for Miami's First Pro Camp (which was completely successful on so many levels, might I add)
As much as I've enjoyed big city living, where you can get to the mall in 15 minutes (unheard of) and there's a Tbell/Long John Silvers combo (Heaven?) down the street, I much enjoy driving an hour to the city, realizing that my sister and I were going to different places (in the same car) to stop for 10 minutes to get a set of golf clubs Jarod probably won't use. Then jetting 20 minutes the other way to a Target that also doesn't carry the carseat that everyone in Southwestern Ohio wants having a small breakdown because I lost misplaced my keys in my purse and realized my credit card was left at a restaurant back home (30 minutes). (Big Rant)
Anyway, it's been rather nice to be home. Ilandscaped manicured my eyebrows, can take regular showers, and no longer have a child. It's like being in college again, except I'm allowed to sleep in the same room as my significant other.... in my full size bed...with my 11 month old child....awkward? Yes. Sammy has enjoyed his time, and I haven't heard him laugh this much since the last time we were in Oxford. I feel bad taking him away from all these people he loves (my parents, his little friends, my sisters, Oxfordians that love him...etc) but he has to learn to hate his parents sometime, right? I think I'm doing a good job of that.
Sammy's been doing this thing where when he sees me, he clings like those baboon babies have to when their mother's are swinging from trees. 1. I don't swing from trees. I'm afraid of heights and fast moving vehicles 2. This is new. He usually hates being around my boney little body. I think he's afraid I'm going to leave him somewhere and never come back. Sometimes I joke around and say things like that to him, but I didn't think he understood. My dad said I should stop saying "Bye Sammy. Mommy loves you! See you...N-E-V-E-R" when I go somewhere without him. Suggestions?
Sammy will be one year old in about a month. The other day, I asked how old someone's baby was. She told me X months. Then she went on this explanation about the age based on weeks vs actual number date on the calendar and there being a difference. There was also the suggestion that there is a difference between how YOU count and how the doctor counts. I was obvi half listening, but when she left, I realized... I have no idea how old Sam is according to the doctor. I hardly remember how old he is to me. I'm really glad it's smooth sailing as far as getting to the one year mark. I don't think I'm going to say things like Sam is 48 months old or whatever. That's confusing and I can't do simple math.
Speaking of the monkey's milestone, we have a lot that's coming up! There's pictures, birthday parties, galore! I'm little bit hating this planning. While I LOVE the idea of having a special day for my little ball of joy, some people keep telling me, "You don't have to make a big deal. He's not going to remember it." Yes he is. Didn't you notice? He's a baby genius. His first memory will probably be coming into the world via birth. I have some Fresh Beat ideas, and I really wanna follow through. We will be back in Ohio for a party, but not before partying it up in Minnesota! If we're really lucky (maaaybe) I can get Jarod to let us party in Texas as well with all our friends!
We've done the first haircut, he's got a couple teeth, and he will soon to be walking! (I really hope. Jarod might have a minor heart attack if it doesn't happen soon) He's been saying things like "Cup" and "Cow?" (just like a question) and has learned to point his finger at me when he's mad (at least it's not the middle one!) I'm exhausted from all this craziness, but you know it wouldn't be a summer unless we went "Up North" which we will be doing directly after this week in Ohio for four days. Then it's off to the State Fair! Then we will be back in Ohio, and my head my spin off as the finale of Sammy's birthday party. That or a special choreographed dance. I haven't decided. So let's show our life in pictures!
As much as I've enjoyed big city living, where you can get to the mall in 15 minutes (unheard of) and there's a Tbell/Long John Silvers combo (Heaven?) down the street, I much enjoy driving an hour to the city, realizing that my sister and I were going to different places (in the same car) to stop for 10 minutes to get a set of golf clubs Jarod probably won't use. Then jetting 20 minutes the other way to a Target that also doesn't carry the carseat that everyone in Southwestern Ohio wants having a small breakdown because I lost misplaced my keys in my purse and realized my credit card was left at a restaurant back home (30 minutes). (Big Rant)
Anyway, it's been rather nice to be home. I
Sammy's been doing this thing where when he sees me, he clings like those baboon babies have to when their mother's are swinging from trees. 1. I don't swing from trees. I'm afraid of heights and fast moving vehicles 2. This is new. He usually hates being around my boney little body. I think he's afraid I'm going to leave him somewhere and never come back. Sometimes I joke around and say things like that to him, but I didn't think he understood. My dad said I should stop saying "Bye Sammy. Mommy loves you! See you...N-E-V-E-R" when I go somewhere without him. Suggestions?
Sammy will be one year old in about a month. The other day, I asked how old someone's baby was. She told me X months. Then she went on this explanation about the age based on weeks vs actual number date on the calendar and there being a difference. There was also the suggestion that there is a difference between how YOU count and how the doctor counts. I was obvi half listening, but when she left, I realized... I have no idea how old Sam is according to the doctor. I hardly remember how old he is to me. I'm really glad it's smooth sailing as far as getting to the one year mark. I don't think I'm going to say things like Sam is 48 months old or whatever. That's confusing and I can't do simple math.
Speaking of the monkey's milestone, we have a lot that's coming up! There's pictures, birthday parties, galore! I'm little bit hating this planning. While I LOVE the idea of having a special day for my little ball of joy, some people keep telling me, "You don't have to make a big deal. He's not going to remember it." Yes he is. Didn't you notice? He's a baby genius. His first memory will probably be coming into the world via birth. I have some Fresh Beat ideas, and I really wanna follow through. We will be back in Ohio for a party, but not before partying it up in Minnesota! If we're really lucky (maaaybe) I can get Jarod to let us party in Texas as well with all our friends!
We've done the first haircut, he's got a couple teeth, and he will soon to be walking! (I really hope. Jarod might have a minor heart attack if it doesn't happen soon) He's been saying things like "Cup" and "Cow?" (just like a question) and has learned to point his finger at me when he's mad (at least it's not the middle one!) I'm exhausted from all this craziness, but you know it wouldn't be a summer unless we went "Up North" which we will be doing directly after this week in Ohio for four days. Then it's off to the State Fair! Then we will be back in Ohio, and my head my spin off as the finale of Sammy's birthday party. That or a special choreographed dance. I haven't decided. So let's show our life in pictures!
This is how the booger sleeps...
Morning before his first haircut!
A little nervous in the chair
"Just a little off the top"
Trying to find the buzzing sound
So handsome!
Nap time with Lion
Time out Nap
Dinner with Daddy
Wanting to get into the tank at the aquarium
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Ride Along This Beautiful Journey We Call Love
It's been a long week since my Texas trip... probably because I haven't come down from my BBQ high (OMG, I LOVE!) It was filled with my favorite F's: fun, friends (and I wish they were going to be my family!), and food! I'm in love with Texas, and my old roomie/the bride would love to hear that. I've never felt more welcomed by such a large group of people. Let's face it, I'm awkward and people pick up on it quick... everyone except Texans!
So does anyone understand Mountain Time? I felt like I was in a time warp. My BFF Britt and I were both on Mountain Time, but the times were different. Does that even make sense? I guess the better question is, how many time zones are in America? And what are their names? I obviously have no idea, and I was confused. Here was the actual BBM convo we had:
-"What is the time difference for Mountain Time?"
-"I'm not sure."
- "What time is it in Phoenix for you?"
-"Umm 1:46"
-"It's 2:52 here...this makes zero sense... where are we in this country?"
-"I told you it's weird... hahaha"
- "Mountain Time is the Twilight zone!"
The conversation goes on to things that don't make sense or match up with this conversation (distractions) but apparently we had a misunderstand and BFF Britt didn't tell me the time at that very moment that I asked her, instead she asked an old man who might have been senile, and she might have waited awhile to tell me the actual time, but whatevs. I never want to live in that time zone.
The one thing I cannot stand about Texas, right now, are the highway systems. They keep building more and re-routing old ones, and it's just so darn confusing. For awhile, the GPS said we were in a river...what? hahaha. There are about a half million ways to get to one place (access roads, highway, back roads, Ryan's beloved phone GPS, our GPS, Kalina's way, the back-back roads, short cuts, the river...) geez louise, I had no idea where we were ever. Good thing my BFF Britt was driving, I would have just given up.
The day we got there, I called Elisa to let her know we were on our way to her house.
"You're fun"
"I like the way they talk to each other" -I was eavesdropping
"It was really nice to meet you!" - I hardly talked to this lady
"If the DJ fails, Vi, you have to get up and beat box" -My fave, Kevin
"You're job is to be here and have fun. No worries this weekend!"- Ryan's step dad loving us!
"I really enjoyed watching you guys dance" (In a non-creepy way)
It was a beautiful day, the whole wedding was beautiful! I will say, if I'm back in Texas this year, I'm taking line dancing classes. There are a lot of them, and I would like to know at least two. I missed my little bug and I'm glad he survived the weekend. He was so happy to see me! I LOVED it!
Pics of the day:
So does anyone understand Mountain Time? I felt like I was in a time warp. My BFF Britt and I were both on Mountain Time, but the times were different. Does that even make sense? I guess the better question is, how many time zones are in America? And what are their names? I obviously have no idea, and I was confused. Here was the actual BBM convo we had:
-"What is the time difference for Mountain Time?"
-"I'm not sure."
- "What time is it in Phoenix for you?"
-"Umm 1:46"
-"It's 2:52 here...this makes zero sense... where are we in this country?"
-"I told you it's weird... hahaha"
- "Mountain Time is the Twilight zone!"
The conversation goes on to things that don't make sense or match up with this conversation (distractions) but apparently we had a misunderstand and BFF Britt didn't tell me the time at that very moment that I asked her, instead she asked an old man who might have been senile, and she might have waited awhile to tell me the actual time, but whatevs. I never want to live in that time zone.
The one thing I cannot stand about Texas, right now, are the highway systems. They keep building more and re-routing old ones, and it's just so darn confusing. For awhile, the GPS said we were in a river...what? hahaha. There are about a half million ways to get to one place (access roads, highway, back roads, Ryan's beloved phone GPS, our GPS, Kalina's way, the back-back roads, short cuts, the river...) geez louise, I had no idea where we were ever. Good thing my BFF Britt was driving, I would have just given up.
The day we got there, I called Elisa to let her know we were on our way to her house.
-"YO!" says a man's voice.
Um, I knew it was Ryan, but I was uncomfortable. We don't know each other...
-*long PAUSE* "Um, hiii. This is Vi. We're um, on our way"
-"OK great! Do you need directions"
-"No, we have a GPS"
-"Do you know where you are?"
-"No, we have a GPS"
-"Alright, we'll see you when you get here"
-"Yeah, we'll get there at about 6" **BFF Britt's GPS is set at California time.... it was already 7 o'clock. Time Warp once more!
As much as I'd love to go into every detail, because I would... Here are the highlights of the praise I received that weekend:
"You're fun"
"I like the way they talk to each other" -I was eavesdropping
"It was really nice to meet you!" - I hardly talked to this lady
"If the DJ fails, Vi, you have to get up and beat box" -My fave, Kevin
"You're job is to be here and have fun. No worries this weekend!"- Ryan's step dad loving us!
"I really enjoyed watching you guys dance" (In a non-creepy way)
It was a beautiful day, the whole wedding was beautiful! I will say, if I'm back in Texas this year, I'm taking line dancing classes. There are a lot of them, and I would like to know at least two. I missed my little bug and I'm glad he survived the weekend. He was so happy to see me! I LOVED it!
Pics of the day:
Texas Old Town, Rosebud Hall
Beautiful sunset that night that I forgot to take a pic of
Bride and her maids
Favor Magnets
Getting artsy with the jewelry
Little Ellie: We bonded over my Dora knowledge
Me and my BFF Britt
Us and Kalina
Us and Elisa
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Without my Soul, I am halved.
Sooo, in the past 2 months, I got married, moved to Minnesota..... blah, blah, blah BOOM!
Of course I immediately start worrying about my child's life in the hands of my able, yet forgetful, husband. So I decide the best solution to his is to make a list of instructions for Sammy. Easy enough? Um, no. I end up writing for an hour (while Jarod thinks I'm writing a blog) and have three pages...single spaced...with skewed margins so I don't seem too obsessive with 4 to 5 pages. Hahaha. I just want Sam to be comfortable! Here's a template for all you new (obsessive) moms to use when writing instructions out for your first time outing:
I'm in the great state of TEXAS!
No, not with the fam, unfortunately, I miss my little monster terribly. Just here for a couple days to see my college roomie get married and have some friend time with my BFF Britt.
Of course I immediately start worrying about my child's life in the hands of my able, yet forgetful, husband. So I decide the best solution to his is to make a list of instructions for Sammy. Easy enough? Um, no. I end up writing for an hour (while Jarod thinks I'm writing a blog) and have three pages...single spaced...with skewed margins so I don't seem too obsessive with 4 to 5 pages. Hahaha. I just want Sam to be comfortable! Here's a template for all you new (obsessive) moms to use when writing instructions out for your first time outing:
Samuel Babysitting Instructions
Phone Numbers:
Vi’s Mom: XXX-XXX-XXXX (for questions only, she’s in Ohio but knows Sam the best)
Samuel’s Temperament:
He likes to play by himself and, for the most part, is fine if you just let him do what he wants. He can hold the sides of tables and chairs and will walk around, but mostly crawls. He also likes to play underneath tables and hides in little nooks. Try to avoid letting him do that.
Sam loves the bathroom, so it’s best to keep that door shut. If he hurts himself or is grumpy, give him his cow, and he will usually calm down right away. You might try laughing at him and he’ll start laughing at himself and forget about what just happened. He also likes his cow to go to sleep. He has 3 cows, any of them work, but the dirtiest looking cow works the best.
Sam will not tell you he pooped. It’s very obvious when he’s doing it, and you have to ignore him until he finishes his business. Sometimes it doesn’t smell. He also won’t poop unless he has a clean diaper. He usually will poop right after you change his pee diaper. It’s best to just watch him until he does. He will roll around and try to crawl away. It’s best to give him a toy while you change his diaper to distract him. He has very sensitive skin and cannot sit with a poop diaper for very long.
Sam loves TV and music. He will sing to just about anything, but is picky about television shows. His favorite is Fresh Beat Band that is on Nick Jr at 2:00 and 2:30 pm. If it’s not on, it’s on the Internet on He will also watch Dora the Explorer, Go Diego Go, and Blues Clues. He doesn’t pay attention to other shows very much.
If you ask him simple yes or no questions, he will answer with “yeah” (it’s very clear) or shaking his head “no” or ignoring you (for no). He doesn’t have a strict schedule for anything, just general times of when he usually likes to do things.
Sam naps between 9 and 10am and between 2 and 4pm (depending on when he has his bottle and if he’s actually tired.) He will take an evening nap around 5 or 6 if he has an early afternoon nap. He wil rub his eyes and smell his cow’s tail. He’ll cry about everything and sometimes put it his down on the ground. He becomes a different child. If you ask him “Sammy, are you tired? Want to take a nap?” He will sometimes answer yes. If you’d like to rock him, go ahead, but if you want to put him in his pack ‘n play, he will put himself to sleep in about 15 minutes. If he is still crying after 15 minutes, take him out and let him play. I usually explain to him “Sammy, you need to take a nap so you can wake up and feel so happy and we can play!” That usually gets him to lay down. Give him a kiss, his cow and he will be good.
Bath time:
Sam usually takes a bath in the morning and night, but I’m trying to get him used to one bath at night. This can be done after dinner, usually the easiest because he might be messy after dinner. I wash Sam’s hair with Johnson and Johnson Lavender or plain shampoo. before putting him in the bathtub. He doesn’t like having water poured on his head yet. I lean him backwards, and wash his hair while holding him. I let him play in his little tub for a little bit with his toys. He chews on them. He’s started to get up and try and play with the faucet. Tell him no and sit him down. After a little bit, I use his Cetaphil Restoraderm Body Wash to wash his body. I just use my hand to spread it on his body and use the bath water to wash him off. I take him out right after I do this.
Sam has rashes on spots around his body. Mostly on his tummy, thighs and the top of his back. Right now there are some on his cheeks and side of his face (check under his neck as well). Rub a thin layer of Cortizone cream on these spots. Then use his Cetaphil Restoraderm Lotion all over his face and back. He will fuss. Give him one of his small toys to play with while you do this, it makes life easier.
Preparing Bottles:
- Add water to large cup and heat for 2 minutes
- Formula is ready to be heated out of its bottle. It needs to be refrigerated after a new bottle is opened. The bottle must have the brown stopper and blue tube inside before the nipple.
- Put the bottle in the heated cup of water to heat the bottle for about 5-10 minutes. He likes his bottle luke warm. If it’s too warm or cold, he will throw it or just play with it. Don’t let him play with his bottle it will get everywhere.
o This needs to be done because they are plastic bottles. Keep the bottle out of sight for Sam, if he sees it, he will get upset and be a handful until it’s ready.
- Sam can feed himself if you lay him on a pillow, but doesn’t always want to do it. If you want, you can hold him to feed him. He doesn’t really have a preference and I don’t care either, just what will make Sam happy.
- Sometimes the afternoon bottles take awhile for him to finish, if he wants it on and off for about 45 minutes, that’s ok. After that, through away the milk. He doesn’t need to drink anymore than what he wants.
Estimated Times for Bottle
*Not exact; around that time, start to make the bottle and he’ll get excited when he sees it if he wants it.
Time | Bottle Size |
7:00 to 7:30 am | 6.5 – 7 oz |
9:00 to 9:30 am *sometimes skips | 5- 5.5 oz |
10:30 to 11 am | 5- 5.5 oz |
1:30 to 2:00 pm | 5- 5.5 oz |
3:30 to 4:00 pm | 5- 5.5 oz |
8:30 to 10 pm | 5 oz |
^^Bottle before bed^^ | ^He won’t drink all of it, save in the fridge^ |
Solid Meals* solid foods should be given to him in the highchair with a bib and an extra towel on the side.
Solid Food for Breakfast:
Sam has breakfast around 8:00 or 8:30. This can be one (two if he starts to cry when he sees the empty cup) cup of the fruit and cereal/oatmeal, his infant yogurt, or a sliced up banana. He can eat this with a sippy cup of water or orange juice. He will be most happy with Orange Juice. This can be eaten directly from the cup with his spoon.
Solid Food for Lunch and Dinner:
- Add 1 jar of pureed meat to 1 cup of vegetable, heat in a bowl for 25 to 30 seconds, stir to mix
- Use one of his plastic cups (without a lid) to hold half of the cup of baby water.
- He must use one of his plastic spoons; he has been allergic to other types.
- Keep one cup of fruit close by, this doesn’t need to be heated. He has it for dessert, but sometimes you need to use it to get him to eat his food.
o If Samuel is hungry, he will eat with no problems, but he will fuss if he’s not starving. If you need to show him the fruit cup and say “YUM! Dessert” and he will get excited. Open it, and give him one bite. Then, pretend to get spoons of it, but feed him his veggies and meat. Every few spoons, give him a spoon of fruit and it should keep him happy.
- He won’t ask for it, but every few spoons, spoon him 3 spoons of water from the small cup. He will drink water from a sippy cup, but it’s easier with a cup of water in this situation. If you say “Water” before you give it to him, he will open his mouth for it.
**Sam eat lunch at 12 or 12:30 and has dinner at 6:00 or 6:30**
- Sam can have snacks whenever you need him to be distracted. Keep him in the highchair, with a sippy cup of water and pour a few snack (veggie dips or the banana/sweet potato pieces.) try not to do it right before he’s about to have a solid food meal.
*A lot of instructions, but this works best for Sam. He will be upset if you do something different. He understands what’s going on (On a weird level). He is good about showing signs of what he likes even though he can’t talk. If you explain things to him or ask him questions, he will respond.
Keep in mind, I also added notes in the margin later and am now fully aware of my spelling/grammar errors (That I never fixed)
First time mom? Yes. Obsessive Compulsive? Yes. But whatever. I'd do this for my fifth child. I don't care what any 15 year old babysitter (or Mother-in-law) might think. This is how Sammy likes life and I'm not about to turn the life of a 10 month old orangutan upside down. That's dangerous. He likes things a certain way (just like his mom) and I'm going to let whoever is watching him know that my son is particular about his eating (hates the green veggies, he will spit it in your face) or that he likes certain television shows that stimulate his mind. Also, I'm tired of the looks I get when I tell babysitters all of this stuff verbally and then they "forget" and are "surprised" by the outcome. Um, it's written down, read the manual.
I don't need advice about letting the little things go, or that Sammy needs to get used to other people and different situations. Until this point, Sam has spent 75% of his life with me, and that percentage is going to continue to increase because I don't have a job. I like things to be in a certain order and so does my baboon. We are BFF's like that. I'm not about to change and I'm sure as hell not going to let Sam. And really, I'm looking out for you, potential babysitter. Sam has the potential of being a rotten kid (see monkey references? I hate monkeys.)
So long story short, if you'd like to watch Sam, read the manual. I'll give you the written test afterward and then we will see if you get to the second round.
Lova yaaa
P.S. I couldn't think of a good title, but I miss my Sammy and Jerry! Sorrrrryyy
Monday, July 11, 2011
Unexpected expected dilemmas
So I'm sitting here on my new compy (obvi bragging) trying to ignore the fact that Sammy is playing in front of our door where we keep our shoes, hanging out in his diaper... I told Jarod he's got the baby for the rest of the night (half hour before he goes to bed) and the monkey is currently putting on my orange juice soaked dress (yes I'm still sitting in it) trying to get me to hold him. Jarod is currently laughing at the television. Such is life. Now it's time to feel bad for me.
Since Jarod moved back a week before our wedding, life has been crazy. Splitting our time between our home and my parent's has been a bit of a juggle. While it's great to be over there, the addition of craziness is kind of off putting. For example:
Last week, I asked my parents if Sam could spend the night with them. My intentions were to have him spend as much time this last month with my parents aaaand to also work out at the Rec the next day without having to take Sammy over there in the morning. After getting ready to go and getting my socks on, Jarod walks in, without a care in the world and says "Honey, your mom just stopped by.... she's taking Sam to the hospital." That's it, Jarod? Obvi I pried and found out she had taken him to the doctor for a cough and they wanted to get a chest X-ray for him. Number 1- I knew he was coughing, but I wanted him to get over it himself. Number 2- She didn't even call to tell me she was wanting to take him to the doctor. Number 3- She couldn't wait until Jarod told me to see if I wanted to accompany my son for his first (I'm sure of many) trips to the hospital for an X-ray? Long story short, it's over and I'm over it. My parents mean very well and take such good care of Sammy, but they also treat him as their child/grandson: They take care him with every concern that they had with me, but also spoil him rotten. Bad combo, if you ask me (they aren't). I will, of course, always be that five year old little girl who would cry everyday at school because she missed her dad. While that is partly the truth (I will be crying when I leave Oxford) I have a hard time trying to convince them that I can raise my own child...even if I mess up sometimes. They are definitely just worried about him, but there really can be a fine line for grandparents. No solution yet... I've gotta just keep working on being a super mom.
On top of all this, Jarod is just getting used to being a full time dad and husband. This has been a little frustrating. Sammy and I have our little routines, and Jarod is all about the anti-routine. He is constantly trying to butt in and break us of this, and I'm ready to burn his hair. Just work into it, Dad! He's still trying to understand how fragile Sammy can be, and this frightens the general public. Jarod keeps telling me he won't be able to relate to Sam until he's around 4. That's a long time from now for me to raising a child to be Jarod's play thing. He's not a puppy, just cuddle him!
We're obvi working on it. Jarod is really good at rocking Sam to sleep and chasing him around the house. Two things I refuse to do. Overall, we do make a great team. :)
Since Jarod moved back a week before our wedding, life has been crazy. Splitting our time between our home and my parent's has been a bit of a juggle. While it's great to be over there, the addition of craziness is kind of off putting. For example:
Last week, I asked my parents if Sam could spend the night with them. My intentions were to have him spend as much time this last month with my parents aaaand to also work out at the Rec the next day without having to take Sammy over there in the morning. After getting ready to go and getting my socks on, Jarod walks in, without a care in the world and says "Honey, your mom just stopped by.... she's taking Sam to the hospital." That's it, Jarod? Obvi I pried and found out she had taken him to the doctor for a cough and they wanted to get a chest X-ray for him. Number 1- I knew he was coughing, but I wanted him to get over it himself. Number 2- She didn't even call to tell me she was wanting to take him to the doctor. Number 3- She couldn't wait until Jarod told me to see if I wanted to accompany my son for his first (I'm sure of many) trips to the hospital for an X-ray? Long story short, it's over and I'm over it. My parents mean very well and take such good care of Sammy, but they also treat him as their child/grandson: They take care him with every concern that they had with me, but also spoil him rotten. Bad combo, if you ask me (they aren't). I will, of course, always be that five year old little girl who would cry everyday at school because she missed her dad. While that is partly the truth (I will be crying when I leave Oxford) I have a hard time trying to convince them that I can raise my own child...even if I mess up sometimes. They are definitely just worried about him, but there really can be a fine line for grandparents. No solution yet... I've gotta just keep working on being a super mom.
On top of all this, Jarod is just getting used to being a full time dad and husband. This has been a little frustrating. Sammy and I have our little routines, and Jarod is all about the anti-routine. He is constantly trying to butt in and break us of this, and I'm ready to burn his hair. Just work into it, Dad! He's still trying to understand how fragile Sammy can be, and this frightens the general public. Jarod keeps telling me he won't be able to relate to Sam until he's around 4. That's a long time from now for me to raising a child to be Jarod's play thing. He's not a puppy, just cuddle him!
We're obvi working on it. Jarod is really good at rocking Sam to sleep and chasing him around the house. Two things I refuse to do. Overall, we do make a great team. :)
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Back to Bloggin'!
A new husband, two new teeth, five pounds, and one big mess later... I'm blogging after a billion years of absence. I have one thing to say. I'm exhausted. Since my last blog, Jarod has moved back home *finally* I got a visit from my BFF Britt, Jarod made an honest woman out of me, Sammy has acquired some chompers, and I got to meet some of my first live Amish (which turned out to be a disappointment.) Let me tell you something, this is quiet a lot, so hopefully I'll be able to recap in the next few days while we take a "relaxing weekend" So I guess I can start at the beginning....
Jarod mozied (word?) on back to Ohio about two weeks before the wedding.... I was a crazy lady. All I wanted him to do was teleport back to Oxford in the split second that he had packed up the truck and he didn't do it. Was that too much to ask? To me, no. Every time Jarod is traveling back to me, I always get this anxious feeling that he's taking his time, because he doesn't want to be back with me. This might be caused by my lack of any real concept of time and space, but I go nuts on him every time. Weird coming from the person who completely missed her flight to Minnesota last summer and had to wait a whole day to get there.
Jarod packed up his truck to the MAX. I couldn't believe The Law let him pass through, who knows how many states and hundreds of miles to get here. So there was his life... all packed up and ready to merge with my mess.
I leisurely decided I would give some clothes away, for what might be the first time in my life. I don't think I've gone through my wardrobe since high school, and I'm sure I didn't really give anything away. I wear clothes from middle school on the reg, I know it's weird. My hoarding ways need to stop as we live our lives like Irish Travelers gypsies. You do not even know how much anxiety I've had over giving away my clothes. I have accumulated 6 13-gallon garbage bags of clothes to donate. (Do you think kids these days want authentic wear from the late 90's? I think it's coming back!) This is after I've hidden several drawers worth of clothing that I might want to wear "some day" at my parent's house. Jarod was a little shocked and worried when he saw my give away pile. I think he second guessed marrying me at that point. All of my drawers were still overflowing after I had gotten rid of the things I didn't need. He should feel lucky. I gave away my favorite pair of sweatpants (bright red, zippers on the bottom with an elastic waist) that he's constantly embarrassed about, because I will wear them twice a week in the winter. I traded them in for my bright red scrub bottoms that are too big for me. Equally as comfy, not as cool.
Jarod lived out of his bags for about a week before I decided I would give in a few drawers. This took a lot of maneuvering and a lot moretears work, then he thinks. I did make him use Sammy's closet for his clothes... I can't make all the sacrifices in our relationship! We've tried to merge as much as we can, but it's incredibly hard with all the things I've collected over the years, but we're trying. I've decided that I would just bring the books I haven't read on my bookshelf with us instead of my entire library, for example. Packing is going to be one of the biggest bitches I've encountered. I'm a little anxious at this point and we have less than a month. First big move to Minnesota. Next stop? Who knows!
Did you know: Sometimes, when you think you smell a skunk outside, you might be sniffing the nearest fox? They actually have an odor that is just as bad as the stink of a skunk!
I leisurely decided I would give some clothes away, for what might be the first time in my life. I don't think I've gone through my wardrobe since high school, and I'm sure I didn't really give anything away. I wear clothes from middle school on the reg, I know it's weird. My hoarding ways need to stop as we live our lives like
Jarod lived out of his bags for about a week before I decided I would give in a few drawers. This took a lot of maneuvering and a lot more
Did you know: Sometimes, when you think you smell a skunk outside, you might be sniffing the nearest fox? They actually have an odor that is just as bad as the stink of a skunk!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
My Little Animal!
Usually, I don't think of titles for my blogs until after I write them, but from the sound of it, everyone is super interested in what is going on with my little coconut, rather than my adventures in landscaping! And, on top of everything else, he is currently snugged up close to me like a little puppy in my bed. My heart is literally swollen with love, it's absolutely crazy! I am so blessed to have such a cutie for a son, who is healthy, happy, and so incredibly smart! I hate to brag, but I will (actually, I love it, but that's the saying, right?) I don't know how I deserved such a fantastic child!
A little side note: As I started thinking about this blog, I realized I don't really touch on anything unexpected that I've encountered as a mommy. Honestly, besides the fact that Sammy has no teeth, can't really talk, and poops his pants on the reg, I mostly treat him like I treat everyone else (except with a lot more loving; he can't help that he doesn't know how to use the toilet yet, or can't really eat solids.) I don't know if there's something wrong with me, but he pretty much does with me what I do with my BFF Britt: Hang out, watch our favorite programs, play with some cool toys, and listen to music. I think I will start doing a little more with sharing the products I like to use, websites to check out, and that sort of thing, but as far as parental advice? Um, ask Mother Dearest. I have none for you, except, I do what I want. nbd.
I uploaded about a bizillion new photos of Sam, so I'll sift through a few albums to share on here. It really is a big thing for me to share photos of Sammy. Before Sam was born, and for those few months after that I went crazy, I decided I wouldn't put any pictures of Sam online, ever. I was even very cautious of putting them on Walmart's website to get printed! But after a lot of people started asking (after my famous, "brb, going to have a baby" facebook status) me, "what does your kid look like?" Um, I never answered those questions. But just like Suri Cruise, Sammy photos began to appear on facebook a few months after he was born. Do I wish I got paid for that? Yes. Am I willing to exploit my child for fame and the dollas? Yes. hahah. JK JK that was a joke. Lil' Sammy is just for the loved ones, other relatives and friends.
Lets talk a little Sam-a-lam! My child has turned into an animal. He's crawling/ on the verge of standing on his own right now. He chases balls around the house, can get in and out of all the nooks and crannies of my parent's house, and always wants to go outside (must have picked this up from the Palmer side). He's a bit of a spoiled brat, but that's just one of the consequences of me staying at my parents house right now. Just as my dad says, "You for discipline, I'm for spoil him ROTTEN!" I can't stop them, obvi (you can't stop my parents from doing anything) but I'm trying to explain to them that it's not a lifestyle. My mom understands, hence Sam's dying love for my dad and continual yelling battles with my mom. I love it! hahha. Sam has understood the different relationships he has with different people, and usually is only a brat with my dad (although he is still a baby, so it comes out once in awhile with others) He's such a cutie
A little side note: As I started thinking about this blog, I realized I don't really touch on anything unexpected that I've encountered as a mommy. Honestly, besides the fact that Sammy has no teeth, can't really talk, and poops his pants on the reg, I mostly treat him like I treat everyone else (except with a lot more loving; he can't help that he doesn't know how to use the toilet yet, or can't really eat solids.) I don't know if there's something wrong with me, but he pretty much does with me what I do with my BFF Britt: Hang out, watch our favorite programs, play with some cool toys, and listen to music. I think I will start doing a little more with sharing the products I like to use, websites to check out, and that sort of thing, but as far as parental advice? Um, ask Mother Dearest. I have none for you, except, I do what I want. nbd.
I uploaded about a bizillion new photos of Sam, so I'll sift through a few albums to share on here. It really is a big thing for me to share photos of Sammy. Before Sam was born, and for those few months after that I went crazy, I decided I wouldn't put any pictures of Sam online, ever. I was even very cautious of putting them on Walmart's website to get printed! But after a lot of people started asking (after my famous, "brb, going to have a baby" facebook status) me, "what does your kid look like?" Um, I never answered those questions. But just like Suri Cruise, Sammy photos began to appear on facebook a few months after he was born. Do I wish I got paid for that? Yes. Am I willing to exploit my child for fame and the dollas? Yes. hahah. JK JK that was a joke. Lil' Sammy is just for the loved ones, other relatives and friends.
Lets talk a little Sam-a-lam! My child has turned into an animal. He's crawling/ on the verge of standing on his own right now. He chases balls around the house, can get in and out of all the nooks and crannies of my parent's house, and always wants to go outside (must have picked this up from the Palmer side). He's a bit of a spoiled brat, but that's just one of the consequences of me staying at my parents house right now. Just as my dad says, "You for discipline, I'm for spoil him ROTTEN!" I can't stop them, obvi (you can't stop my parents from doing anything) but I'm trying to explain to them that it's not a lifestyle. My mom understands, hence Sam's dying love for my dad and continual yelling battles with my mom. I love it! hahha. Sam has understood the different relationships he has with different people, and usually is only a brat with my dad (although he is still a baby, so it comes out once in awhile with others) He's such a cutie
Gpa being PA to Sam's busy computer time
My dad had never fed a baby before Sam, and thinks he does it best.... like this? Seriously? He has my dad wrapped around his little finger to a point where when my dad goes to kiss him, Sam sticks out his hand for my dad to kiss. I SWEAR this happens! He loves everyone and hardly complains... this lasts until you put shoes on his feet. Apparently he loves shoes on other people's feet, but for him... they should go in his mouth. He's weird. I bought some hi tops for him and he pulls them off on the reg. He seems to enjoy his nikes. Maybe because they have more bounce or something. He laughs when he stands up on them.
The other day, I caught Sam in his cage standing and trying to let go of the side. Sooo happy! My adventurous babe is one step closer to walking! At 8 months, he is a perfectionist. He practices everything in his crib until he gets it JUST right, then will do it in front of the crowd. How crazy! The other morning, he woke up before I did, and was in his crib (for once) saying "pa pa pa pa" I hardly ever hear him saying consonant sounds. I started trying a lot, because I have a hard time explaining to people that I taught him to growl and hoot so obvi he will learn to talk. People don't understand. Anyway, he's really into his ba ba's, pa pa's, and la la's. That's good enough... but no teeth yet!
My smarty pants has also out smarted me. My mom suggested I buy more Mr. Cows incase the original gets lost, so I bought 3 on Amazon. No one can fool Sammy Palmer! He took one look at an impostor and threw it in my face. He would have none of it, and I wasted 12 dollars. Kill me.
As I remember my Sammy stories, I'll be writing more! But here are some photos of the lil tike!
Lil Chubster loves me!
Play time with mommy!
Trying to make friends!
Everyone at Findley Market LOVED this!
Time at Auntie Thanh's!
Tickles get him every time!
Sleeping with Cow and Auntie Nga
BFF Britt,
New Mom Advice,
Saturday, May 21, 2011
My Green Fingers
I've seriously missed all of my fave shows these past few weeks. I can't believe it's already season finale time! It actually makes me kinda glad I haven't watch any of my shows... it'll give me something to do when I have downtime (when?!?) after all this wedding business is ova!! I haven't returned phone calls, my hair is a crazzzy mess, and who knows when I last shaved my legs, because I don't!
Speaking of weddings, lemme tell you something, deciding that you're going to do a wedding at home is the worst idea ever. Especially when your parent's yard is practically a construction zone. My dad has a construction business that he runs out of our house. His workshop is our garage and back yard. We have a lot of work on our hands.
Also, our backyard needed a good amount of TLC. This past week or so, I took on a special project, our backyard garden. Take a look at what I had to work with:
The lawn extended itself into the area
Seriously scared when I first saw this
The far side was my mom's "herb garden" I guess she was going au naturale
The mini-jungle that existed took about 5 hours of work to clear out. I pretty much bulldozed through all of the grass, just trying to get up all the dirt with the grass and throwing it away. Phase two:
After digging everything up, it seemed semi-workable. The only thing that held me back was this stupid toad, who seriously wouldn't leave. Put spiders, worms, beetles... anything in front of me, I don't care, but amphibians and reptiles make my heart jump into my throat, I thought I was going to throw up. All the same, I finished! Finished results!
Planting flowers!
Moved the flower bush...I hope it lives!...and I threw out the mums. Gross.
Herb Garden... the mess on the side will stay. My mom wouldn't let me fix it
There's TONS more work that needs to be done EVERYWHERE. Like the hole my dad dug 12 years ago to make a pond... and all the other crap around the deck and house that needs to disappear... wish me luck!!
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