A little side note: As I started thinking about this blog, I realized I don't really touch on anything unexpected that I've encountered as a mommy. Honestly, besides the fact that Sammy has no teeth, can't really talk, and poops his pants on the reg, I mostly treat him like I treat everyone else (except with a lot more loving; he can't help that he doesn't know how to use the toilet yet, or can't really eat solids.) I don't know if there's something wrong with me, but he pretty much does with me what I do with my BFF Britt: Hang out, watch our favorite programs, play with some cool toys, and listen to music. I think I will start doing a little more with sharing the products I like to use, websites to check out, and that sort of thing, but as far as parental advice? Um, ask Mother Dearest. I have none for you, except, I do what I want. nbd.
I uploaded about a bizillion new photos of Sam, so I'll sift through a few albums to share on here. It really is a big thing for me to share photos of Sammy. Before Sam was born, and for those few months after that I went crazy, I decided I wouldn't put any pictures of Sam online, ever. I was even very cautious of putting them on Walmart's website to get printed! But after a lot of people started asking (after my famous, "brb, going to have a baby" facebook status) me, "what does your kid look like?" Um, I never answered those questions. But just like Suri Cruise, Sammy photos began to appear on facebook a few months after he was born. Do I wish I got paid for that? Yes. Am I willing to exploit my child for fame and the dollas? Yes. hahah. JK JK that was a joke. Lil' Sammy is just for the loved ones, other relatives and friends.
Lets talk a little Sam-a-lam! My child has turned into an animal. He's crawling/ on the verge of standing on his own right now. He chases balls around the house, can get in and out of all the nooks and crannies of my parent's house, and always wants to go outside (must have picked this up from the Palmer side). He's a bit of a spoiled brat, but that's just one of the consequences of me staying at my parents house right now. Just as my dad says, "You for discipline, I'm for spoil him ROTTEN!" I can't stop them, obvi (you can't stop my parents from doing anything) but I'm trying to explain to them that it's not a lifestyle. My mom understands, hence Sam's dying love for my dad and continual yelling battles with my mom. I love it! hahha. Sam has understood the different relationships he has with different people, and usually is only a brat with my dad (although he is still a baby, so it comes out once in awhile with others) He's such a cutie
Gpa being PA to Sam's busy computer time
My dad had never fed a baby before Sam, and thinks he does it best.... like this? Seriously? He has my dad wrapped around his little finger to a point where when my dad goes to kiss him, Sam sticks out his hand for my dad to kiss. I SWEAR this happens! He loves everyone and hardly complains... this lasts until you put shoes on his feet. Apparently he loves shoes on other people's feet, but for him... they should go in his mouth. He's weird. I bought some hi tops for him and he pulls them off on the reg. He seems to enjoy his nikes. Maybe because they have more bounce or something. He laughs when he stands up on them.
The other day, I caught Sam in his cage standing and trying to let go of the side. Sooo happy! My adventurous babe is one step closer to walking! At 8 months, he is a perfectionist. He practices everything in his crib until he gets it JUST right, then will do it in front of the crowd. How crazy! The other morning, he woke up before I did, and was in his crib (for once) saying "pa pa pa pa" I hardly ever hear him saying consonant sounds. I started trying a lot, because I have a hard time explaining to people that I taught him to growl and hoot so obvi he will learn to talk. People don't understand. Anyway, he's really into his ba ba's, pa pa's, and la la's. That's good enough... but no teeth yet!
My smarty pants has also out smarted me. My mom suggested I buy more Mr. Cows incase the original gets lost, so I bought 3 on Amazon. No one can fool Sammy Palmer! He took one look at an impostor and threw it in my face. He would have none of it, and I wasted 12 dollars. Kill me.
As I remember my Sammy stories, I'll be writing more! But here are some photos of the lil tike!
Lil Chubster loves me!
Play time with mommy!
Trying to make friends!
Everyone at Findley Market LOVED this!
Time at Auntie Thanh's!
Tickles get him every time!
Sleeping with Cow and Auntie Nga
so so so cute!!! he's such a doll!!!!