Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's Nearing the End!

Happy Birthday to Miss Ashley Flood (Soon-to-be Mrs. Buck!)  We love and miss you soo much! Can't wait to see you this summer when you come to the OxBox!!

Two large research papers and one exam down, I'm taking another one of my many breaks to do some wedding browsing.  Of course I couldn't hold off on it all under the week was mind is going absolutely crazy over it all!!! Forget the fact that I still haven't started studying for my 8 o'clock final, have not purchased a graduate gown, am planning on wearing a dress from my pregnancy, and am pretty sure I have forgotten how to use a hairdryer... I can't wait to be married!

I've been searching all the corners of the internet trying to get some concrete, REALISTIC ideas for my at-home wedding and I finally found something!

I haven't read any more of the blog than her wedding entry, but I believe that her last name must be young, and they have a house...and they're in love?  I swear, some of her ideas came straight out of my head, and it's GREAT to see that she actually pulled it off!  I've already utilized two of her money saving tips with ideas that I already had... at least I'm attempting to!

In other news...

Sammy is louder and crazier than ever!  He's already crawling all over the house, going up the step in my parent's house, and starting to pull himself up and attempting to walk away.  It's actually very dangerous.  haha.  The other day, he slipped and fell and hit his head on the hardwood flooring.  Oops, Mom!  The little guy has been singing up a storm and talking to no end. So cute!!

I will be posting a picture of the little monkey later today that you all will LOVE!!


  1. I love and I've been following their blog for a while! Their renovations of houses is crazy :) Good luck planning & congrats on graduating!

  2. I love Young House Love too! Britt told me about it, and it's a great blog :) And CONGRATS!!! Enjoy graduation!!!!
