Monday, May 2, 2011


So, I'm laying here, backwards on my childhood bed, NOT doing any work for my exams, feeling sorry for myself.  I have no motivation to get anything concrete down at this moment, so I thought I'd at least entertain myself with a blog entry and write down some random thoughts:

1. I'm still in utter disbelief that I spelled pandemonium correctly on the first try.  It's just one of those words that you don't use often, but is important to have in your vocabulary.  Like Mediterranean, (I still pronounce it with an emphasis on "an") you should just know it.

2. Sam's been whimpering like a puppy all night and it bugs me.  I decided to stay at my parents so I could have time to work on things without worrying about Sam.  They're usually the best babysitters, but I was pretty much Sam's babysitter this weekend.  I didn't get anything done. Crap.

3. I work a lot better when I've been drinking.  Especially when it comes to writing.  I have no creative flow when I'm tired and sleep deprived.  So far, I've written bits of my essay on French Rap Music and Rebellions.  This includes my title : The Rights of Hip Hop: Makin' Dolla Bills for Justice ... do you think that's catchy enough?  My professors always like my titles.

4.  My idol Coco T (Ice T's wife) is getting her own reality show on E! Do you know how much I LOVE this?  Scratch Jarod a sensitive musician/poet, I want him to be just like Ice.

5.  I have very poor grammar and math skillz.  Both of which, I've heard, are the basic foundations of being intelligent.  I guess I get a big "Oops" on that

6.  My mother has gotten exponentially more hilarious in the past few months.  Not in that senile way, either.  Her wit intrigues me.

7. I just did a 180 on my wedding. Totally different plans. Haven't told Jarod yet... Oops again!

8. All this rain makes my bones hurt.

9. It's really hard to find the numbers on my computer to make this list, so I'm gonna call it quits.

Sorry I stopped short of ten, but my eyes hurt and I don't have anything creative to say.


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