I saw this youtube video of an amazing boy who had adult leukemia, beat it, then lost his fight against Graft v Host disease. From what I understand, Julien contracted Graft v Host disease through his bone marrow transplant that had first saved his life.
When I first opened this video, he was singing "You are my Sunshine." I almost started crying. That's Sam's favorite song. While I thank God every day for Sam's good health, this made me remember how vulnerable we are to Life. No one knows God's plan except Him. We just need to have enough faith that we'll be able to get through it and that the ultimate blue print is out of our hands and is something we discover as it comes. Julien had a different calling than what his family may have planned, but what he left for us has touched my heart as I'm sure it's touched so many others.
This brave boy had such a great positive outlook on life especially given the hand he was dealt. That sort of attitude is something I hope I'll give to Sam even if he has the best health and life God could give him. This boy must have had amazing parents and had an amazing support system. That is something that every parent should give their child. Can you imagine how much better this world would be if that was the case?
Rest is Peace, Julien. You've touched so many hearts with your message.

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Classroom Antics
Right now, I'm sitting in the hallway of my secretly hidden classroom in Upham watching my classmates try and find the room, not see where it is, and walk the other direction. Do I recognize these people from lecture? I think so, but I can't be certain because I'm not wearing my glasses. Should I ask them if they're in the same class as me to direct them to the correct room? Probably. But I probably won't.
My fave part of college? Making people uncomfortable. I never do it intentionally, but if I don't, someone usually will do it to me. Hence the problems of Day 1. I was too friendly with my professor, then he made fun of me in front of everyone. I would have been better off pretending I couldn't speak english well.
Never take classes with friends. Until last year, I never took a class with anyone I knew. Idle conversation is not something that impresses the professor, and I would probably listen even less than I already do. Also, there are certain expectations that people have of me in the classroom that I just wouldn't be able to meet. Then you always have to share your answers or summarize last nights readings...do it yourself fool! I like you, but not that much. Last year, I stupidly allowed myself to take a class with Jarod. I'll be honest. It was a good excuse to be able to hang out more and do homework together. Then, he wouldn't show up, or wouldn't show up on time (biggest pet peeve ever). It would make me embarrassed because he already talked to me in class, and I was associated with him. Later in the semester, he pulled out a newspaper and started reading it when class had started. Then, every time we'd have a quiz or exam, I'd hear "What'd you get?" If I did better, he couldn't believe it because I hardly studied, but if I didn't do as well, I should have studied more instead of play on the internet. Lose-Lose. While it was nice to have lunch with someone three days a week (SWIPE!) I hated what I had to deal with to get some company.
Don't make friends with people in class. Long long ago (like, for real) when I was a freshman, I tried to make friends with people in my classes. One time I walked up to a girl and said "Did you know we have 3 classes together?" She was weirded out. We ended up being lab partners and hung out a couple times, but after the semester was over, she never called me or returned my calls (no text messaging at the time) Did I feel like a scorned lover? Um yes. Lesson learned, I never made a friend in class again. I did all of the work and had all of the ideas and she just took them. Not fun. She ruined my chances of actually making friends. Hence only having like 4 friends from college.
Look fancy in the first week. I make a point to comb my hair, dabble a lot of make up on, and pick my clothes out the night before. Why do I do this when I don't even want to make friends? Because some classes have group projects and I don't want to be stuck with the weirdos. Looking nice, but not too nice says, "Hey, I care about myself. I'm cool. I do well in school." I hate when they do the "count off" for groups. Hey Teacher! Just let me pick
Be Prepared. Classroom participation is usually around 10% of the final grade. While that seems little, you'll find out, like Jarod did his senior year, that's a whole letter grade. I have found that I can skim readings, find a few important things, then get into that classroom and raise my hand as fast as I friggin' can and then I'm done.
Stay away from the Asians I know what you're thinking, but if you know me, you know. I freaking hate Asian people. They never look or seem normal, they're always doing something weird. Don't even make eye contact or be nice, or you'll be in Biology class trying to look at algae while some girl keep poking you in the back asking you what words mean on her electronic translator. Yes it happened.
In every other part of my life, becoming a mom has really helped me gain some sort of social life, because now all people ask me about is Sammy. No prob, I can do that. Apparently school is no different than before, except I'm 10x as not cool as I was before.
Did you know? Texas is completely independent in creating their own energy source?
My fave part of college? Making people uncomfortable. I never do it intentionally, but if I don't, someone usually will do it to me. Hence the problems of Day 1. I was too friendly with my professor, then he made fun of me in front of everyone. I would have been better off pretending I couldn't speak english well.
Never take classes with friends. Until last year, I never took a class with anyone I knew. Idle conversation is not something that impresses the professor, and I would probably listen even less than I already do. Also, there are certain expectations that people have of me in the classroom that I just wouldn't be able to meet. Then you always have to share your answers or summarize last nights readings...do it yourself fool! I like you, but not that much. Last year, I stupidly allowed myself to take a class with Jarod. I'll be honest. It was a good excuse to be able to hang out more and do homework together. Then, he wouldn't show up, or wouldn't show up on time (biggest pet peeve ever). It would make me embarrassed because he already talked to me in class, and I was associated with him. Later in the semester, he pulled out a newspaper and started reading it when class had started. Then, every time we'd have a quiz or exam, I'd hear "What'd you get?" If I did better, he couldn't believe it because I hardly studied, but if I didn't do as well, I should have studied more instead of play on the internet. Lose-Lose. While it was nice to have lunch with someone three days a week (SWIPE!) I hated what I had to deal with to get some company.
Don't make friends with people in class. Long long ago (like, for real) when I was a freshman, I tried to make friends with people in my classes. One time I walked up to a girl and said "Did you know we have 3 classes together?" She was weirded out. We ended up being lab partners and hung out a couple times, but after the semester was over, she never called me or returned my calls (no text messaging at the time) Did I feel like a scorned lover? Um yes. Lesson learned, I never made a friend in class again. I did all of the work and had all of the ideas and she just took them. Not fun. She ruined my chances of actually making friends. Hence only having like 4 friends from college.
Look fancy in the first week. I make a point to comb my hair, dabble a lot of make up on, and pick my clothes out the night before. Why do I do this when I don't even want to make friends? Because some classes have group projects and I don't want to be stuck with the weirdos. Looking nice, but not too nice says, "Hey, I care about myself. I'm cool. I do well in school." I hate when they do the "count off" for groups. Hey Teacher! Just let me pick
Be Prepared. Classroom participation is usually around 10% of the final grade. While that seems little, you'll find out, like Jarod did his senior year, that's a whole letter grade. I have found that I can skim readings, find a few important things, then get into that classroom and raise my hand as fast as I friggin' can and then I'm done.
Stay away from the Asians I know what you're thinking, but if you know me, you know. I freaking hate Asian people. They never look or seem normal, they're always doing something weird. Don't even make eye contact or be nice, or you'll be in Biology class trying to look at algae while some girl keep poking you in the back asking you what words mean on her electronic translator. Yes it happened.
In every other part of my life, becoming a mom has really helped me gain some sort of social life, because now all people ask me about is Sammy. No prob, I can do that. Apparently school is no different than before, except I'm 10x as not cool as I was before.
Did you know? Texas is completely independent in creating their own energy source?
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Chappy Stick plzzzzz
Sooo, I took a nap and I re-read my post. Not a very good one. It sounded kind of crazy and disheveled. I suppose that's why I needed a nap instead of doing my homework. So I thought I'd write something short and kinda funny. At least Brittni thought it was (My gauge of funniness):
A week before I went down to Texas, I bought Aveda chapstick. I thought it would be the most fantastic chapstick ever and I'd beautiful succulent lips. Umm wrong. Might has well rub a candle that smelled bad all over them . They made them look chapped, was thicker than Burt's Bees, and smelled like a homeless hippy. All the same, I had to use the whole thing because I spent like 8 dollars on it. Wellll I lost it.
Not the end of the story.
So I've been using Sammy's Vaseline on my lips. Now they smell like a baby and I feel like I'm 4 again smothering it all over my face. Nowww comes in television.
I've been seeing these commercials for Neosporin chapstick that heals and soothes chapped lips. Um sounds like heaven. While I was buying Sammy's diapers online at diapers.com, I decided to check out the sister site, soap.com because they have free two day shipping. I've been secretly wanting the Neosporin chapstick and looking all over for it. Actually I didn't look at all. Soap.com was the first attempt and I found it! I ordered it and couldn't wait. This didn't stop Jack Frost from bringing in the snow, and my lips were hurting sooo bad, I wanted to buy new chapstick. But I wasn't going to do it. I was going to stick it out. I had to wait through the long weekend because they don't deliver that way. ughhhh talk about dry bloody lips.
Anyway. I got my chappy stick today and I'm sooo happy. And hopefully in a few days my lips look beautiful!
A week before I went down to Texas, I bought Aveda chapstick. I thought it would be the most fantastic chapstick ever and I'd beautiful succulent lips. Umm wrong. Might has well rub a candle that smelled bad all over them . They made them look chapped, was thicker than Burt's Bees, and smelled like a homeless hippy. All the same, I had to use the whole thing because I spent like 8 dollars on it. Wellll I lost it.
Not the end of the story.
So I've been using Sammy's Vaseline on my lips. Now they smell like a baby and I feel like I'm 4 again smothering it all over my face. Nowww comes in television.
I've been seeing these commercials for Neosporin chapstick that heals and soothes chapped lips. Um sounds like heaven. While I was buying Sammy's diapers online at diapers.com, I decided to check out the sister site, soap.com because they have free two day shipping. I've been secretly wanting the Neosporin chapstick and looking all over for it. Actually I didn't look at all. Soap.com was the first attempt and I found it! I ordered it and couldn't wait. This didn't stop Jack Frost from bringing in the snow, and my lips were hurting sooo bad, I wanted to buy new chapstick. But I wasn't going to do it. I was going to stick it out. I had to wait through the long weekend because they don't deliver that way. ughhhh talk about dry bloody lips.
Anyway. I got my chappy stick today and I'm sooo happy. And hopefully in a few days my lips look beautiful!
Back to School! Back to School... To Show My Dad I'm Not a Fool!
Soo, it's been awhile! It's a little because I've been trying to get everything straightened out before school started (still not done) and mostly because I've had a hard time trying to think of a "Did you know?" Still can't think of one, but we'll see what I've got by the end of this.
Yesterday was the first day of school. Blah. It was cold and I was tired. Today was a pretty big bust. I tried to be an orderly mother, but that just doesn't work very well for me. Sammy messes up my routine. I had to try three times to wake him up and every time I would get "ehhhhh" and he'd kinda roll over to get away from me.
My first professor thinks he's a stand up comedian. There are about 20 of us in a huge lecture hall, and he stands on his stage and tries to make jokes through his microphone. His jokes were not funny. Then he showed these film clips that were horrible. I almost walked out of the class. In my capstone, I got called out by a fellow student. The professor asked if anyone had classes with other people in the class and everyone said no. One guy said "Yes. With her" and pointed right at me. Seriously had no idea who he was. My teacher tried to make it better and said "Well, maybe it was a big class" he follows with "Nope, there were like 7 of us and I sat behind her." Wellll. Sorry. I'm obviously not observant. Whatev. I was pregnant. Let's just say I was in a 9 month daze and can't remember anything from that period.
I also found out that the hole in the thumb of my mittens is not one of those holes that allows you to use your fingers. It's broken. But that's OK. I lost them today anyway. No idea where they are and my hands were cold. Good news is, I didn't lose my hat because HOLY SNOW! It's crazy out today. I wanted to see snow so bad when I was in Texas. Now, as a trek through the wintery tundra in my Aldo snow boots, I want to kill myself. I get hot out there. The problem is, if I don't wear tights under my pants and two pairs of socks, I freeze, but then, after walking to the buildings and climbing at least 2 flights of stairs, I'm sweating like a pig. As we speak, I have a heat headache. And I have to read like 4 books in a week. hahahha Good luck to me!
Sammy has pretty much been up since 4 and so have I. He hates me. He just wanted to play. Ughhh. I was so tired, I drank coffee (lots of cream, lots of sugar.) And still managed to just sit at a four way stop until someone honked at me to go. My bad! Then I got to class like, a half hour early, because I like to get a good seat. My professor came in and asked me if "This was HST 330" He preceded to call me out on coming to class early during role call when I introduced myself. Everyone laughed at me. Seriously. It was like being in a seventh grade twilight zone. (I wasn't made fun of in middle school. I was cool) You would have thought I was wearing my underwear on the outside of my pants.
Good News? Second class was cancelled today. yayy!
Did you know: The best way to get bubble gum out of your hair is with peanut butter? One time, I tried to put gum behind my ear like Violet on Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Not a good idea. All up in my hair. The oils from the peanut butter takes the sticky out like a charm.
Yesterday was the first day of school. Blah. It was cold and I was tired. Today was a pretty big bust. I tried to be an orderly mother, but that just doesn't work very well for me. Sammy messes up my routine. I had to try three times to wake him up and every time I would get "ehhhhh" and he'd kinda roll over to get away from me.
My first professor thinks he's a stand up comedian. There are about 20 of us in a huge lecture hall, and he stands on his stage and tries to make jokes through his microphone. His jokes were not funny. Then he showed these film clips that were horrible. I almost walked out of the class. In my capstone, I got called out by a fellow student. The professor asked if anyone had classes with other people in the class and everyone said no. One guy said "Yes. With her" and pointed right at me. Seriously had no idea who he was. My teacher tried to make it better and said "Well, maybe it was a big class" he follows with "Nope, there were like 7 of us and I sat behind her." Wellll. Sorry. I'm obviously not observant. Whatev. I was pregnant. Let's just say I was in a 9 month daze and can't remember anything from that period.
I also found out that the hole in the thumb of my mittens is not one of those holes that allows you to use your fingers. It's broken. But that's OK. I lost them today anyway. No idea where they are and my hands were cold. Good news is, I didn't lose my hat because HOLY SNOW! It's crazy out today. I wanted to see snow so bad when I was in Texas. Now, as a trek through the wintery tundra in my Aldo snow boots, I want to kill myself. I get hot out there. The problem is, if I don't wear tights under my pants and two pairs of socks, I freeze, but then, after walking to the buildings and climbing at least 2 flights of stairs, I'm sweating like a pig. As we speak, I have a heat headache. And I have to read like 4 books in a week. hahahha Good luck to me!
Sammy has pretty much been up since 4 and so have I. He hates me. He just wanted to play. Ughhh. I was so tired, I drank coffee (lots of cream, lots of sugar.) And still managed to just sit at a four way stop until someone honked at me to go. My bad! Then I got to class like, a half hour early, because I like to get a good seat. My professor came in and asked me if "This was HST 330" He preceded to call me out on coming to class early during role call when I introduced myself. Everyone laughed at me. Seriously. It was like being in a seventh grade twilight zone. (I wasn't made fun of in middle school. I was cool) You would have thought I was wearing my underwear on the outside of my pants.
Good News? Second class was cancelled today. yayy!
Did you know: The best way to get bubble gum out of your hair is with peanut butter? One time, I tried to put gum behind my ear like Violet on Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Not a good idea. All up in my hair. The oils from the peanut butter takes the sticky out like a charm.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
New Addition!
By popular request (Brittni's Dad and Jarod) I've decided to add a "Did You Know?/Guess What I Learned" to all of my posts. I think I'll probably end each post with something from my Fun Fact Memory Bank. Here's one inspired by my trip to the Alamo, but something I learned in the 8th grade:
There are two legends to how Davey Crockett spent his last moments alive:
1. Most people like to say he died fighting, battling off the Mexicans and was a true hero.
2. Others say the Mexican soldiers found him cowering in a room and begged for his life.
Either way, the Mexis killed him and "Remember the Alamo" helped the anger the United States into acquiring the area of Mexico now known as Texas.
There are two legends to how Davey Crockett spent his last moments alive:
1. Most people like to say he died fighting, battling off the Mexicans and was a true hero.
2. Others say the Mexican soldiers found him cowering in a room and begged for his life.
Either way, the Mexis killed him and "Remember the Alamo" helped the anger the United States into acquiring the area of Mexico now known as Texas.
I Left My Heart in Texas
We made it back to Ohio safe and sound and extremely cold. Though, for the car ride home, I had to take Sam's pants off so he wouldn't sweat to death. He was an angel on the plane, which was a relief. Apparently he likes plane rides. It seemed like he even recognized my family, but was a little overwhelmed by everyone at once and just wanted to hang out with Dad. He cried a lot and was looking around, but eventually calmed down and was happy when I let him hear Jarod's voice on the phone. Hopefully that keeps him happy until we see Jarod again.
We're staying at my parents for a few days so they can hog him for awhile. Please keep me sane.
Texas was the best time of my life. We made so many new fantastic friends! We traveled to several different cities and saw the sites. I got a glimpse into my future of permanent living with Jarod (amazingly coexisting great!). And I got to have my perfect family. It kinda makes me tear up. This Mommy-ness has made me soft!
I'm truly blessed to have found someone who cares about my dreams as much as his own. Jarod's true and pure support of me finishing school is more than I can ask for. The sacrifice he's making is greater than mine in this situation. Asking him for this one dream was hard for me, but receiving it shows me how much he really does care about me and our family. Hopefully I can do the same for him some day.
Enough mushy stuff, let's talk about the Highlights of Texas!
San Antonio- Talk about lifelong dream! Regardless of the fact that you can't take pictures in the actual building, you can't really laugh, and apparently you can't have drinks in the place, and they hide their research but the story teller was fantastic. Obvi I love history and this took it to a new level.
Dallas- We visited with Jarod's Grandparents who got to meet Sam. Annd I had the best steak ever!
Ruthie's Mexicana- Did I have the best Mexican food or what? Make a trip down Grand Pky in New Territory and it's on the corner of 90 and 6 in that little strip mall. Our server couldn't speak english very well and I got a cheesy puff pastry. Better than Fiesta Charra, Oxbox Folks.
The Sunshine! Ahhh I miss it now that I'm in gloomy wintery Ohio. Keep in mind I've never lived anywhere but Oxford, Ohio. I feel like Ohio is definitely not the place to be.
One thing I won't miss are the crazy birds at Wal Mart. They were there all the time and scared the crap out of me. I seriously thought they were waiting for an unattended baby and they'd swoop down and take them away. I always would assure Sammy that I was watching out for him and wouldn't leave him out in the open for the taking.
I had the best time of my life in Texas and I hope we'll be back for my Spring Break AND next year! Let's cross our fingers for Jarod. Now I've got to go shower before my mother judges me. Back to the real world!(Stink face) I'll write again soon!
We're staying at my parents for a few days so they can hog him for awhile. Please keep me sane.
Texas was the best time of my life. We made so many new fantastic friends! We traveled to several different cities and saw the sites. I got a glimpse into my future of permanent living with Jarod (amazingly coexisting great!). And I got to have my perfect family. It kinda makes me tear up. This Mommy-ness has made me soft!
I'm truly blessed to have found someone who cares about my dreams as much as his own. Jarod's true and pure support of me finishing school is more than I can ask for. The sacrifice he's making is greater than mine in this situation. Asking him for this one dream was hard for me, but receiving it shows me how much he really does care about me and our family. Hopefully I can do the same for him some day.
Enough mushy stuff, let's talk about the Highlights of Texas!
San Antonio- Talk about lifelong dream! Regardless of the fact that you can't take pictures in the actual building, you can't really laugh, and apparently you can't have drinks in the place, and they hide their research but the story teller was fantastic. Obvi I love history and this took it to a new level.
Dallas- We visited with Jarod's Grandparents who got to meet Sam. Annd I had the best steak ever!
Ruthie's Mexicana- Did I have the best Mexican food or what? Make a trip down Grand Pky in New Territory and it's on the corner of 90 and 6 in that little strip mall. Our server couldn't speak english very well and I got a cheesy puff pastry. Better than Fiesta Charra, Oxbox Folks.
The Sunshine! Ahhh I miss it now that I'm in gloomy wintery Ohio. Keep in mind I've never lived anywhere but Oxford, Ohio. I feel like Ohio is definitely not the place to be.
One thing I won't miss are the crazy birds at Wal Mart. They were there all the time and scared the crap out of me. I seriously thought they were waiting for an unattended baby and they'd swoop down and take them away. I always would assure Sammy that I was watching out for him and wouldn't leave him out in the open for the taking.
I had the best time of my life in Texas and I hope we'll be back for my Spring Break AND next year! Let's cross our fingers for Jarod. Now I've got to go shower before my mother judges me. Back to the real world!(Stink face) I'll write again soon!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Yesterday was super busy filled with sleeping, resting, and hockey. Sammy stayed up until past midnight for the New Year and apparently was a little hung over(kidding); he didn't wake up until 10. Then last night, he followed suit in his rebellious teenage ways and stayed up past one.
Last night Jarod and I decided to stop at the 59 diner, which was quite a headache in itself. This was a place I really wanted to go to while I was down here, it looks really cool from the highway. First, we didn't realize it was past 11 when we were looking for a place for dinner and really wanting burgers. We drove passed Fudruckers, which was obviously closed then decided to back track to the diner. Big mistake using the GPS. Turns out there are multiple 59 diners and almost made our way back to the rink. Around this time, I started thinking I wish Jarod would just tell me no when I ask for things. By the time we got to this place, we got a cross-eyed waitress who was really slow. While the milkshakes were delish, Jarod and I feel super sick today. Lesson learned: we're making our own hamburgers for lunch.
I went to Randall's today, and always use the same cashier if he's there. Mostly because I'm testing him. I understand that when I'm toting a baby with me, the guy can call me "M'am" but when I'm by myself...seriously? I look about 14 years old.
Only a few more days in Houston and I'm dreading leaving. Mostly because I haven't packed a thing. Seeing how I came down here sending 3 huge boxes an over 50 lb suitcase, then had my family send more things down to me, I'd say I'm a little behind. The problem is, every time I clean the place up, Jarod comes in running around in circles with his arms out destroying everything. It's a disaster everyday. Plus, I can't find a lot of my clothes. Seeing how I'm the only girl here and the only one that does the laundry, I'm not sure what's going on. Maybe my fiance is secretly a crossdresser who likes really tight clothes...he already wears my socks on a regular basis.
Yesterday was super busy filled with sleeping, resting, and hockey. Sammy stayed up until past midnight for the New Year and apparently was a little hung over(kidding); he didn't wake up until 10. Then last night, he followed suit in his rebellious teenage ways and stayed up past one.
Last night Jarod and I decided to stop at the 59 diner, which was quite a headache in itself. This was a place I really wanted to go to while I was down here, it looks really cool from the highway. First, we didn't realize it was past 11 when we were looking for a place for dinner and really wanting burgers. We drove passed Fudruckers, which was obviously closed then decided to back track to the diner. Big mistake using the GPS. Turns out there are multiple 59 diners and almost made our way back to the rink. Around this time, I started thinking I wish Jarod would just tell me no when I ask for things. By the time we got to this place, we got a cross-eyed waitress who was really slow. While the milkshakes were delish, Jarod and I feel super sick today. Lesson learned: we're making our own hamburgers for lunch.
I went to Randall's today, and always use the same cashier if he's there. Mostly because I'm testing him. I understand that when I'm toting a baby with me, the guy can call me "M'am" but when I'm by myself...seriously? I look about 14 years old.
Only a few more days in Houston and I'm dreading leaving. Mostly because I haven't packed a thing. Seeing how I came down here sending 3 huge boxes an over 50 lb suitcase, then had my family send more things down to me, I'd say I'm a little behind. The problem is, every time I clean the place up, Jarod comes in running around in circles with his arms out destroying everything. It's a disaster everyday. Plus, I can't find a lot of my clothes. Seeing how I'm the only girl here and the only one that does the laundry, I'm not sure what's going on. Maybe my fiance is secretly a crossdresser who likes really tight clothes...he already wears my socks on a regular basis.
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