Soo, it's been awhile! It's a little because I've been trying to get everything straightened out before school started (still not done) and mostly because I've had a hard time trying to think of a "Did you know?" Still can't think of one, but we'll see what I've got by the end of this.
Yesterday was the first day of school. Blah. It was cold and I was tired. Today was a pretty big bust. I tried to be an orderly mother, but that just doesn't work very well for me. Sammy messes up my routine. I had to try three times to wake him up and every time I would get "ehhhhh" and he'd kinda roll over to get away from me.
My first professor thinks he's a stand up comedian. There are about 20 of us in a huge lecture hall, and he stands on his stage and tries to make jokes through his microphone. His jokes were not funny. Then he showed these film clips that were horrible. I almost walked out of the class. In my capstone, I got called out by a fellow student. The professor asked if anyone had classes with other people in the class and everyone said no. One guy said "Yes. With her" and pointed right at me. Seriously had no idea who he was. My teacher tried to make it better and said "Well, maybe it was a big class" he follows with "Nope, there were like 7 of us and I sat behind her." Wellll. Sorry. I'm obviously not observant. Whatev. I was pregnant. Let's just say I was in a 9 month daze and can't remember anything from that period.
I also found out that the hole in the thumb of my mittens is not one of those holes that allows you to use your fingers. It's broken. But that's OK. I lost them today anyway. No idea where they are and my hands were cold. Good news is, I didn't lose my hat because HOLY SNOW! It's crazy out today. I wanted to see snow so bad when I was in Texas. Now, as a trek through the wintery tundra in my Aldo snow boots, I want to kill myself. I get hot out there. The problem is, if I don't wear tights under my pants and two pairs of socks, I freeze, but then, after walking to the buildings and climbing at least 2 flights of stairs, I'm sweating like a pig. As we speak, I have a heat headache. And I have to read like 4 books in a week. hahahha Good luck to me!
Sammy has pretty much been up since 4 and so have I. He hates me. He just wanted to play. Ughhh. I was so tired, I drank coffee (lots of cream, lots of sugar.) And still managed to just sit at a four way stop until someone honked at me to go. My bad! Then I got to class like, a half hour early, because I like to get a good seat. My professor came in and asked me if "This was HST 330" He preceded to call me out on coming to class early during role call when I introduced myself. Everyone laughed at me. Seriously. It was like being in a seventh grade twilight zone. (I wasn't made fun of in middle school. I was cool) You would have thought I was wearing my underwear on the outside of my pants.
Good News? Second class was cancelled today. yayy!
Did you know: The best way to get bubble gum out of your hair is with peanut butter? One time, I tried to put gum behind my ear like Violet on Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Not a good idea. All up in my hair. The oils from the peanut butter takes the sticky out like a charm.
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