Hello... my name is Vi and I'm addicted to procrastination.
Sooo, this is awkward. I haven't written a post in like, 2 weeks and I'm sure everyone thought that I had given up on it....like every other diary I've ever tried to keep. My older sister was so good at it. She has probably written volumes of journals, and I was always jealous. I honestly feel bad for everyone that started reading this and has now, probably, given up.
Here's my excuse. I decided, in my head, that I would write an entry once a week instead of everyday. School has been a little more of a headache than I originally planned, but no biggie. Every Saturday was my goal. Wellll, good old Jarod was on All Star Break and decided to make a little road trip to Oxford, Ohio. Let me tell you why this upsets me.
About a month ago, I found out that Jarod had a longer break where he could come visit. Of course I jumped on the computer and found a roundtrip airline ticket for under 200 dollars. A-mazing. Except, Jarod made me choose between Sam and me coming down during my Spring Break for 9 days or Jarod coming for 2. So I made my decision and went about my life. Keep in mind, this break occurred about a month into school and I had finally gotten into a routine with everything. I thrive on routine. I'm a robot. If anything is out of sync, I get very frazzled and it's hard to get back in the groove. Well, Jarod drops a bomb two Saturdays ago... "You should probably go to the grocery store because I'm coming to see you." ughhh.
Don't get me wrong. I LOVED Jarod's visit. It was a great surprise, Sammy was so excited to see his Daddy, and I got one more day with the love of my life. But, it was 18 hours here and back (just driving, not with his stops) and about 20 hours with us. I felt really bad for him, but he apparently didn't mind doing it, so more power to him. He's crazy, but I love his crazy.
So I didn't really realize how busy I've been with school until last week. I think Jarod made me hit a brick wall with his visit and everything caught up around me. I was kinda in a daze, just trying to get things done when I could and never really thought about how I went about doing them. Now I'm laying in my bed, glasses of wine and coffee on every available surface and no pants on. I'm a mess. I've stopped putting away the laundry that I do, and just keep them in the baskets and use what I need. Honestly, why did they invent drawers? I find opening them to be inconvenient. Jarod hates this about me. The first time he came to my apartment when we started dating, he said, "Would you like me to help you clean?" I had been cleaning for like, 2 hours. My stuff was in neat stacks on the floor and I was proud of myself. I instantly felt like a big fail. hahaha.
Sammy is growing up. It saddens me every night as I now sleep alone. He's decided that he wants to be in his own bed in his own room now. Of course, Sammy can't talk or make real decisions on his own, but every time I carry him past his bedroom door, he cracks up and gets so excited. It's the mobile. (I'm about to throw it away.) He loves seeing it circle above his head as it plays that stupid lullaby song. I don't even understand how it helps him sleep. I'm obvi jealous. But seriously... what baby just decides he would rather sleep alone AND all night? Aren't they supposed to be very whiney and upset about being alone? He's so weird.
I'm sure I have a lot more to say, but it's on to the next thing on my to do list. Hopefully I'll write sooner than 2 weeks from now.
Did you know? The horn of a rhino is made of compacted hair?
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