The past year has been a whirlwind of new things that has created a whole new me. While I enjoy the company of my little bear, there is so much I miss about my old self. I miss my supermodel hair, I miss bikini bathing suits and wearing shirts as dresses, I miss free time and thoughtless days. But most of all, I miss Jarod.
In almost less than two months, we'll be back together in Ohio and getting ready to take the plunge into the married life. It's interesting how we have our Sammy, we share everything, and for a time, we lived together and yet, I'm kind of nervous. How different can it be?
Well, for starters, I can't overreact and tell him I'm leaving. The legal proceedings of a divorce are too long and complicated for him to believe that I'd actually go through with all that just because we have a minor disagreement. (This is a joke, guys...but seriously.)
Jarod and I both have romantic notions of each other that never seem to be fulfilled. We think very highly of each other. But real life has never stopped us from trying our hardest to make the other person's dreams come true. Jarod would do anything if it would mean I'd turn my frown upside down. While, on some level, I wish I would have fallen in love with a musician/poet, I would pick my meathead of a hockey player any day. And while Jarod thought he got a timid girl, who, as I found out yesterday, likes the outdoors (why would he ever think I did?!?) He chose me! The surprising connection that brought the two of us together seems to have boggled the minds of anyone who knows us, but seriously, who really knows us? The only people who understand us are the two of us. Add to that the crazy life of a hockey family and we look like a recipe for disaster, but I'd put money on us. haha
Do you ever find yourself listening to the radio, and you hear a song that reminds you of something that just takes you back to a moment in time that you can almost feel? Lately, every time I hear a love song, it takes everything in me not to close my eyes (because I'm driving...DANGEROUS) and take a minute to remember Jarod holding my hand, or just being near. I mean, how sappy is that? It's not like he's in a coma or anything like that. He's in Texas playing hockey. If anything, he should be having the time of his life. I believe this is all the product of too little sleep and too much baby Sam. BUT maybe I'm turning into a romantic.
Enough ramblings and back to school! Gotta finish semi-strong!
Did you know Ostriches are the only birds who have eyelashes?

Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Sorry Social Life, I Can't See You Tonight. I've Gotta Be a Mom
Let me clue you in on my pitiful life (jk jk, but seriously...)
It's Friday night, 10:52 PM. I'm sitting here in front of the television watching Yo Gabba Gabba on silent, constantly refreshing the stats on Jarod's game (because I'm too cheap to purchase the video feed tonight, plus it sucks big ones to see it cut out every five minutes) with my empty cup of wine, contemplating whether or not I smell bad enough to shower.
P.S. Jarod scores on the one night I don't buy the damn game. Kill me.
Yes. My life has change just a bit.
There was a time when pitiful meant something completely different. My BFF Brittni and I would scrap together our dollars (usually around 7 or 8) contemplate whether or not eating a real dinner was worth the extra money and go out to join some pub crawls, meet some nerds, hula hoop...whatever our hearts desired... starting at 4 pm lasting until who knows when (maybe with a trip to the library to pick up Jarod haha). That sort of pitiful was, at least, fun. and we usually made a few dollars throughout the night.
Fun nights were posted on facebook within the month, and I shaved my legs on the reg.
Now, I get separation anxiety from Sam. I seriously love the little bugger to death. If I don't have to leave him, I won't. I feel like I really have no reason to, because I don't have anything friends anyway. He's much more fun anyway. We make animal noises, we play on the compy, and we love all the same shows (except I secretly suspect he likes watching Olivia, which I despise for her selfish ways). I love it! But then again, who would want to leave this cute little face? :)
It's Friday night, 10:52 PM. I'm sitting here in front of the television watching Yo Gabba Gabba on silent, constantly refreshing the stats on Jarod's game (because I'm too cheap to purchase the video feed tonight, plus it sucks big ones to see it cut out every five minutes) with my empty cup of wine, contemplating whether or not I smell bad enough to shower.
P.S. Jarod scores on the one night I don't buy the damn game. Kill me.
Yes. My life has change just a bit.
There was a time when pitiful meant something completely different. My BFF Brittni and I would scrap together our dollars (usually around 7 or 8) contemplate whether or not eating a real dinner was worth the extra money and go out to join some pub crawls, meet some nerds, hula hoop...whatever our hearts desired... starting at 4 pm lasting until who knows when (maybe with a trip to the library to pick up Jarod haha). That sort of pitiful was, at least, fun. and we usually made a few dollars throughout the night.
Fun nights were posted on facebook within the month, and I shaved my legs on the reg.
Now, I get separation anxiety from Sam. I seriously love the little bugger to death. If I don't have to leave him, I won't. I feel like I really have no reason to, because I don't have anything friends anyway. He's much more fun anyway. We make animal noises, we play on the compy, and we love all the same shows (except I secretly suspect he likes watching Olivia, which I despise for her selfish ways). I love it! But then again, who would want to leave this cute little face? :)
Having said all of that, I think I'm ready for a little nap before Jarod calls me post-game. Let's hope for a win (or a loss. I'm not sure which one I want more yet) Go Aeros!
Did you know: There are no words in the English dictionary that rhyme with the word "Month"?
Friday, April 8, 2011
Quiting Another Addiction
I'm quitting coffee.
I think starting to drink coffee might have been a top five worst decisions I've never made... and I blame Jarod.
When I met Jarod and we started dating, I obvi used studying as a way to hang out more. More to my surprise, Jarod actually wanted to study instead of make out. So I'd sit there, bored out of my mind on my computer, FBing, while he studied and would usually doze off for awhile (I can sleep standing up). Every time I would come over, Jarod had a fresh pot of coffee. Honestly... the stuff tastes like boiling hot bitter water to me. Especially since the only way Jarod would offer it was sugar, no cream. If I didn't like him so much, I'd probably spit it in his face. haha. (But February when my sister and I eat chocolates from the Valentine's day boxes, if I get one with fruit or coconut, I make a face and she sticks out her hand for me to spit it out. We've been doing it since I was little, nbd)
Cut to Mommy: The Student. As perfect as Jarod can be, coffee became my lover. I had coffee in the morning, in the afternoon, even at night depending on what needed to get done. Before you feel sorry for me, I'm seriously, the ultimate slacker so I wait until late night on the day before to get things done, so essentially, MY bad! (Emphasis on the "my") I seriously could stay up for days. But now, I'm getting just a little worried. I've been having these half awake half asleep moments where I can't tell the difference between dreaming and reality, I'm very irritable, and because drinking coffee made my appetite go away, I haven't been eating very well. Those things alarmed me, but now I'm concerned. My hair is falling out like whoa. It's not because I stopped taking prenatals, because I never took them in the first place. And this started happening very recently. I could very well make a wig out of the hair that falls out in one day. This has never happened before, and I'm afraid I might go bald. Biggest fear aside from the government regulating TV consumption. So, I'm stopping. While I'm no longer a scientist, I could still play one on TV convincingly, so I decided that because the caffeine was draining my system more often (drink coffee= pee a lot), it was draining out the small amount of nutrition I was getting. Thursday was awful, today was better. But I also didn't have to do anything but hang out with Sam. One logical alternative would be to take vitamin supplements. Um, wrong. I sure as hell will not swallow those. Do I look like a drug mule? I would gag and probably die.
I'm looking into some alternatives, but right now, I decided on a little arithmetic:
[(Old Vi)+(Mommy Vi)]-[(Excessive Drinking)+(Mild Stupidity/Bad Decisions)]= V2k11
OMG amazing.
Every day is new so we'll seeeee :)
Did you know: The Fedex logo as an arrow between the "e" and the "x". Thank you Ochocinco :)
I think starting to drink coffee might have been a top five worst decisions I've never made... and I blame Jarod.
When I met Jarod and we started dating, I obvi used studying as a way to hang out more. More to my surprise, Jarod actually wanted to study instead of make out. So I'd sit there, bored out of my mind on my computer, FBing, while he studied and would usually doze off for awhile (I can sleep standing up). Every time I would come over, Jarod had a fresh pot of coffee. Honestly... the stuff tastes like boiling hot bitter water to me. Especially since the only way Jarod would offer it was sugar, no cream. If I didn't like him so much, I'd probably spit it in his face. haha. (But February when my sister and I eat chocolates from the Valentine's day boxes, if I get one with fruit or coconut, I make a face and she sticks out her hand for me to spit it out. We've been doing it since I was little, nbd)
Cut to Mommy: The Student. As perfect as Jarod can be, coffee became my lover. I had coffee in the morning, in the afternoon, even at night depending on what needed to get done. Before you feel sorry for me, I'm seriously, the ultimate slacker so I wait until late night on the day before to get things done, so essentially, MY bad! (Emphasis on the "my") I seriously could stay up for days. But now, I'm getting just a little worried. I've been having these half awake half asleep moments where I can't tell the difference between dreaming and reality, I'm very irritable, and because drinking coffee made my appetite go away, I haven't been eating very well. Those things alarmed me, but now I'm concerned. My hair is falling out like whoa. It's not because I stopped taking prenatals, because I never took them in the first place. And this started happening very recently. I could very well make a wig out of the hair that falls out in one day. This has never happened before, and I'm afraid I might go bald. Biggest fear aside from the government regulating TV consumption. So, I'm stopping. While I'm no longer a scientist, I could still play one on TV convincingly, so I decided that because the caffeine was draining my system more often (drink coffee= pee a lot), it was draining out the small amount of nutrition I was getting. Thursday was awful, today was better. But I also didn't have to do anything but hang out with Sam. One logical alternative would be to take vitamin supplements. Um, wrong. I sure as hell will not swallow those. Do I look like a drug mule? I would gag and probably die.
I'm looking into some alternatives, but right now, I decided on a little arithmetic:
[(Old Vi)+(Mommy Vi)]-[(Excessive Drinking)+(Mild Stupidity/Bad Decisions)]= V2k11
OMG amazing.
Every day is new so we'll seeeee :)
Did you know: The Fedex logo as an arrow between the "e" and the "x". Thank you Ochocinco :)
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