Monday, May 16, 2011

The Mommy is Getting Married.

That kinda sounds weird.  Probably because most mommies become mommies after they get married.  But. nbd.

It's just a little over a month until I'll be Mrs. Palmer.  Pretty sweet, except my name is going to sound weird.  I've been mulling over this for awhile now.  Vi Palmer, sound awk.  So I decided I'm going to start going by my full name.  Of course, all of my friends can still call me Vi, I just want strangers to start addressing me by Thuyvi.  Thuyvi Palmer as a balanced set of syllables that sound better.  We'll see how long I remember this, so it will catch on.

I FINALLY sent out my wedding invitations today, and I think my eyes are on fire.  I did almost all of it myself.  My little sister, Nga, helped a bit with stuffing and whatnot.  Mostly because I had no idea what to do with the 10,000 envelopes I was given... If you're getting an invitation, good luck finding the actual invite!  It's like one of those Russian Matryoshka dolls that's just plain frustrating.  You open one after another after another, just to get one of those disappointing mini dolls that, if you swallow, you'll probably die.  If I was good at origami, I would have folded up a little paper crane in each one.

While I've kept up with my part of the bargain for this little shindig, Jarod is struggling with his list of things to do.  I believe there are 3 or 4 things I've asked him to complete on his own.  And by own, I mean, nag him everyday about it.  Jarod doesn't seem to understand that we can't be married unless we have someone to marry us... Why doesn't that make sense to him? He thinks he has all the time in the world to find someone.  There's a long story that goes with all of that, but to shorten it up after much debating, we decided we wanted to have an actual ceremony for the wedding.  Then we ran into a problem when the person we wanted to marry us won't be in town.  I thought I solved the problem when my BFF Brittni got ordained and could perform marriages (baptisms, commitment ceremonies... you name is she does it!  Although, little did I know, that also meant she's obligated to report instances of child endangerment.  This puts me in a very awkward position with Sammy around her, but that's another story.)  But even with that, we run into several difficulties.  Kill me if after everything I've done we don't get legally married.  That would really be just my luck.

As many have asked, I did register for this union of matrimonial bliss.  Here they are!
I also registered at Macy's. Just search our name!

Awk putting it out there like this, but I've been told I've had several inquiries, and I don't think I'll be having a wedding shower or anything like that to put it out there.

I must tend to my young bear now, so I'll be writing soon!

Did you know: On Valentine's Day, couples can get married at the Empire State Building for free?  I believe I read that somewhere weird.

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