Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Little Animal!

Usually, I don't think of titles for my blogs until after I write them, but from the sound of it, everyone is super interested in what is going on with my little coconut, rather than my adventures in landscaping!  And, on top of everything else, he is currently snugged up close to me like a little puppy in my bed.  My heart is literally swollen with love, it's absolutely crazy!  I am so blessed to have such a cutie for a son, who is healthy, happy, and so incredibly smart!  I hate to brag, but I will (actually, I love it, but that's the saying, right?)  I don't know how I deserved such a fantastic child!

A little side note:  As I started thinking about this blog, I realized I don't really touch on anything unexpected that I've encountered as a mommy.  Honestly, besides the fact that Sammy has no teeth, can't really talk, and poops his pants on the reg, I mostly treat him like I treat everyone else (except with a lot more loving; he can't help that he doesn't know how to use the toilet yet, or can't really eat solids.)  I don't know if there's something wrong with me, but he pretty much does with me what I do with my BFF Britt: Hang out, watch our favorite programs, play with some cool toys, and listen to music.  I think I will start doing a little more with sharing the products I like to use, websites to check out, and that sort of thing, but as far as parental advice? Um, ask Mother Dearest.  I have none for you, except, I do what I want. nbd.

I uploaded about a bizillion  new photos of Sam, so I'll sift through a few albums to share on here.  It really is a big thing for me to share photos of Sammy.  Before Sam was born, and for those few months after that I went crazy, I decided I wouldn't put any pictures of Sam online, ever.  I was even very cautious of putting them on Walmart's website to get printed!  But after a lot of people started asking (after my famous, "brb, going to have a baby" facebook status) me, "what does your kid look like?"  Um, I never answered those questions. But just like Suri Cruise, Sammy photos began to appear on facebook a few months after he was born.   Do I wish I got paid for that? Yes.  Am I willing to exploit my child for fame and the dollas? Yes.  hahah.  JK JK that was a joke.  Lil' Sammy is just for the loved ones, other relatives and friends.

Lets talk a little Sam-a-lam!  My child has turned into an animal.  He's crawling/ on the verge of standing on his own right now.  He chases balls around the house, can get in and out of all the nooks and crannies of my parent's house, and always wants to go outside (must have picked this up from the Palmer side).  He's a bit of a spoiled brat, but that's just one of the consequences of me staying at my parents house right now.  Just as my dad says, "You for discipline, I'm for spoil him ROTTEN!"  I can't stop them, obvi (you can't stop my parents from doing anything) but I'm trying to explain to them that it's not a lifestyle.  My mom understands, hence Sam's dying love for my dad and continual yelling battles with my mom.  I love it! hahha.  Sam has understood the different relationships he has with different people, and usually is only a brat with my dad (although he is still a baby, so it comes out once in awhile with others) He's such a cutie

Gpa being PA to Sam's busy computer time

My dad had never fed a baby before Sam, and thinks he does it best.... like this? Seriously?  He has my dad wrapped around his little finger to a point where when my dad goes to kiss him, Sam sticks out his hand for my dad to kiss.  I SWEAR this happens!  He loves everyone and hardly complains... this lasts until you put shoes on his feet.  Apparently he loves shoes on other people's feet, but for him... they should go in his mouth.  He's weird.  I bought some hi tops for him and he pulls them off on the reg.  He seems to enjoy his nikes.  Maybe because they have more bounce or something.  He laughs when he stands up on them.  

The other day, I caught Sam in his cage standing and trying to let go of the side.  Sooo happy!  My adventurous babe is one step closer to walking!  At 8 months, he is a perfectionist.  He practices everything in his crib until he gets it JUST right, then will do it in front of the crowd.  How crazy!  The other morning, he woke up before I did, and was in his crib (for once) saying "pa pa pa pa"  I hardly ever hear him saying consonant sounds.  I started trying a lot, because I have a hard time explaining to people that I taught him to growl and hoot so obvi he will learn to talk.  People don't understand.  Anyway, he's really into his ba ba's, pa pa's, and la la's.  That's good enough... but no teeth yet!

My smarty pants has also out smarted me.  My mom suggested I buy more Mr. Cows incase the original gets lost, so I bought 3 on Amazon.  No one can fool Sammy Palmer!  He took one look at an impostor and threw it in my face.  He would have none of it, and I wasted 12 dollars.  Kill me.

As I remember my Sammy stories, I'll be writing more! But here are some photos of the lil tike!

Lil Chubster loves me!

Play time with mommy!

Trying to make friends!

Everyone at Findley Market LOVED this!

Time at Auntie Thanh's!

Tickles get him every time!

Sleeping with Cow and Auntie Nga

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Green Fingers

I've seriously missed all of my fave shows these past few weeks.  I can't believe it's already season finale time!  It actually makes me kinda glad I haven't watch any of my shows... it'll give me something to do when I have downtime (when?!?) after all this wedding business is ova!!  I haven't returned phone calls, my hair is a crazzzy mess, and who knows when I last shaved my legs, because I don't!

Speaking of weddings, lemme tell you something, deciding that you're going to do a wedding at home is the worst idea ever.  Especially when your parent's yard is practically a construction zone.   My dad has  a construction business that he runs out of our house.  His workshop is our garage and back yard.  We have a lot of work on our hands.

Also, our backyard needed a good amount of TLC.  This past week or so, I took on a special project, our backyard garden.  Take a look at what I had to work with:

The lawn extended itself into the area

Seriously scared when I first saw this

The far side was my mom's "herb garden" I guess she was going au naturale 

The mini-jungle that existed took about 5 hours of work to clear out.  I pretty much bulldozed through all of the grass, just trying to get up all the dirt with the grass and throwing it away.

Phase two:

After digging everything up, it seemed semi-workable.  The only thing that held me back was this stupid toad, who seriously wouldn't leave.  Put spiders, worms, beetles... anything in front of me, I don't care, but amphibians and reptiles make my heart jump into my throat, I thought I was going to throw up.  All the same, I finished!  Finished results!
Planting flowers!

Moved the flower bush...I hope it lives!...and I threw out the mums. Gross.

Herb Garden... the mess on the side will stay. My mom wouldn't let me fix it


There's TONS more work that needs to be done EVERYWHERE. Like the hole my dad dug 12 years ago to make a pond... and all the other crap around the deck and house that needs to disappear... wish me luck!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jarod Palmer on Facebook?

It's obvi way too early to be up right now for Vi Pham (I started this blog at 5:45 am), but Sammy is up. (Mother dearest took him from me) So now I'm stuck awake, with a sleepy headache and much on my mind per usual.

Let me just say, last night's episode of Mod Fam was hilarious.  I didn't watch last week's episode yet, and usually I like to watch them in order, but I just love that show and couldn't not watch last night.  Everyone had their doubts at first, but I think I've convinced about 10 people to start watching since I saw the first commercial for the pilot.  That's it. I'm watching again after I finish writing!

Jarod has made his triumphant return to Facebook.... hahaha.  Anyone who knows him, knows he can hardly open a web browser.  It took a very long time to teach him how to use Skype, and the only reason he really learned was so he could show me Minnesota the first summer that we dated (trying to get me to come.) and to try and learn how to multi-task in his garage.  I'm interested to see why he's on, what he plans on doing while he's on, and how often he plans on being on...does he even know what he's doing on here? haha I'll let you know.  I don't want this to turn into one of those "Vi Pham" tasks where I act as secretary and personal assistant.  As much as he praises me for that role, I don't need another thankless/payless job added to my roster.  Gotta gimme some pay, Mister!

It looks like he might actually read my blog instead of having me read it to him.  Really, it is about our lives, and usually about the conversations we have, so I guess he isn't missing out on much.  Much love to my honey bear!  I know he enjoys reading my writing as much as he loves hearing them over the phone.

I have successfully worn the same outfit all week... I have taken showers, but I also have not left the house since Saturday.  Sad and weird?  Yes. But the weather is terrible, and there is no reason for me to change out of something I'm comfy in.  Steve from Blues Clues never changed his outfit.  But I heard he got some flake for that after some kids refused to change their clothes because "Steve doesn't."

Sam, as of late, is most comparable to a puppy.  He spends countless hours pushing a ball around the house as he crawls around, exploring every nook and cranny of the house.  He has also taken quite a liking to playing with that door stopper thing that looks like a spring.  The other day, I let him play with it for maybe 15 minutes.  He loved it.  The only difference is, I don't have to walk him outside in this weather. I think it's actually frowned upon to walk your kid outside when it's raining.

He and I have a favorite show on Nick Jr.  It's quite good.  The Fresh Beat Band combines popular music beats with a kid friendly message that is pretty awesome.  There's also a little break dancing kid that actually is on a lot of rap music vids.  Fresh Beat Band must be his day job.  I was trying to find a video on youtube of Sam's favorite song on the show.  It's called Great Day.  This is the best I could find (and no, I didn't make it myself, I found it like this!):

I joined this online message board community about kids.  I joined because I thought I had to in order to read an article (I was wrong), and don't really use it at all, but I got an e-mail about baby proofing your house.  I was a little confused about one thing.  They were talking about using baby gates.  One mom commented that she likes to put a gate in front of the stairs, just in case her kid learns to climb out of their crib, they might fall down the stairs.... Really?  If your kid is climbing out of their crib and opening the bedroom door, do you think a gate is going to stop them from rolling down your stairs?  Most likely, you: 1. Have a lot more to worry about or 2.  Your kid is smart enough not to roll down the stairs and probably will walk over to your room and open your door to wake you up.  While I see why there is concern, I don't think she really thought the whole thing through.

In other news....

Jarod's team is currently 3-1 in the series and has another game on Friday in Hamilton, Ontario.  We're really hoping for a win right now!  The sooner this series is over, the sooner the next series begins, and the sooner Jarod can come home!  I'm working on a plane ticket for the championship series, but Jarod just smiles at me (through Skype) and says, "We'll see."  Obvi afraid of the curse.  He must really love me to marry me!  I'm seriously his worst luck charm.  haha.  Actually, I think I did pretty good his senior year of college.  He had the best season of his career, finished school with honors, and he signed with The Minnesota Wild...I mean, I did get pregnant that year, but I still blame Jarod for that little hang up. I guess that all didn't do so much with luck as just being supportive for him.  

For anyone that doesn't know me very well, this bad luck thing isn't just a joke.  I lost all my luck after that time in Edinburgh.  I used to be very lucky.

DISCLAIMER: I am also tagging Jarod in this post purely for selfish reasons.  I want more followers and obvi need to find a way to reach out. haha.  New readers =Yayy!  I try to be fun, and I have very bad punctuation, spelling and grammar.  I don't read over anything.  And I usually don't think very hard about what I want to say. Hope you like!... which reminds me... Avid Readers: if you like, tell your friends! Copy and paste the URL:   I love it when people know my business!  The more I know people are reading, the more I'll post.  

Did You Know: If you'd like to kill a cat, feed it raw egg whites.  It's a bit morbid, cruel, and evil, I know.  But I guess you could see this as "If you want to keep your cat alive, don't feed it raw egg whites." There's an enzyme in them that blocks something or another in the cat's metabolism mechanisms, then they can't produce ATP.  When this happens, they can't make energy and then will die.  Never let my little sister around cats and egg whites.  Thank you Erik Olsen for this science lesson! 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Yesterday, I recited an entire episode of Recess (Saturday morning cartoons) to Jarod from memory.  He thought it was strange, but liked it anyway.

Today, I remembered the time I saved some left over Skyline to eat the day after my 21st birthday celebrations.  My mom had thrown it away that morning because she thought it was old.  I was instantly upset with her today.

Sammy was playing with the doorstopper this weekend, and it reminded me of how my dog, Murray, used to enjoy doing that for hours.  I let Sammy play with it until he was bored.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Mommy is Getting Married.

That kinda sounds weird.  Probably because most mommies become mommies after they get married.  But. nbd.

It's just a little over a month until I'll be Mrs. Palmer.  Pretty sweet, except my name is going to sound weird.  I've been mulling over this for awhile now.  Vi Palmer, sound awk.  So I decided I'm going to start going by my full name.  Of course, all of my friends can still call me Vi, I just want strangers to start addressing me by Thuyvi.  Thuyvi Palmer as a balanced set of syllables that sound better.  We'll see how long I remember this, so it will catch on.

I FINALLY sent out my wedding invitations today, and I think my eyes are on fire.  I did almost all of it myself.  My little sister, Nga, helped a bit with stuffing and whatnot.  Mostly because I had no idea what to do with the 10,000 envelopes I was given... If you're getting an invitation, good luck finding the actual invite!  It's like one of those Russian Matryoshka dolls that's just plain frustrating.  You open one after another after another, just to get one of those disappointing mini dolls that, if you swallow, you'll probably die.  If I was good at origami, I would have folded up a little paper crane in each one.

While I've kept up with my part of the bargain for this little shindig, Jarod is struggling with his list of things to do.  I believe there are 3 or 4 things I've asked him to complete on his own.  And by own, I mean, nag him everyday about it.  Jarod doesn't seem to understand that we can't be married unless we have someone to marry us... Why doesn't that make sense to him? He thinks he has all the time in the world to find someone.  There's a long story that goes with all of that, but to shorten it up after much debating, we decided we wanted to have an actual ceremony for the wedding.  Then we ran into a problem when the person we wanted to marry us won't be in town.  I thought I solved the problem when my BFF Brittni got ordained and could perform marriages (baptisms, commitment ceremonies... you name is she does it!  Although, little did I know, that also meant she's obligated to report instances of child endangerment.  This puts me in a very awkward position with Sammy around her, but that's another story.)  But even with that, we run into several difficulties.  Kill me if after everything I've done we don't get legally married.  That would really be just my luck.

As many have asked, I did register for this union of matrimonial bliss.  Here they are!
I also registered at Macy's. Just search our name!

Awk putting it out there like this, but I've been told I've had several inquiries, and I don't think I'll be having a wedding shower or anything like that to put it out there.

I must tend to my young bear now, so I'll be writing soon!

Did you know: On Valentine's Day, couples can get married at the Empire State Building for free?  I believe I read that somewhere weird.

Friday, May 13, 2011

A Man's Greatest Possession is a Sympathetic Wife - Fortune Cookie

-So, what are you going to do, now that you've graduated?
-Nothing!! haha

My long awaited salon day was a much needed relaxing day that I LOVE Jarod for pushing me to have for myself.  I may have spent a lot more than I should ever spend on someone else doing my toe nails and washing my hair, but I'll tell you something, I loved every minute of it.

So, the Aeros won Game 7, meaning they're on to Round 3 of playoffs ....aka at least another two weeks before I MIGHT see Jarod again.  This was definitely a bittersweet win in my book.  While I'm super excited for the team, I can't help but think how much this sucks.  Since graduation ( 5 days ago) I've been soo excited to the end of my tenure as single parent Vi Pham.  Sammy is seriously CRAZY these days, constantly crawling around, climbing, standing, and singing his brains out.  I'd like to throw him to Dad now, PLZ.  Jarod keeps hearing about all the things that are happening, but hasn't seen any of it in real life. I keep telling him the best solution is to fly us down, but he thinks I'm crazy... probably because I ask everyday.  He's says I'm bad luck... I'm not even allowed to watch the games online. HAHAHA

I've been attempting to finish up (aka a last minute start) to my wedding plans.  Within two days, I've rented all the serve ware and tableware, figured out what Sam will be wearing, booked a musician and photographer, purchased and received my engraved champagne flutes and cake servers, created my invitations and began making the mailing labels, and started (almost finished) my backyard flower and herb garden. hahaha Weddings? NBD.

What has Jarod done?  Asked me to make him a list of his things to do for the wedding (3 things) and sent me this youtube video :
That's what he'd like to re-create for our first dance...

I had something else in mind:

After I showed him my rendition of our first dance, he asked me why my BFF Brittni would be a part of our first dance... he obvi still doesn't understand yet. I love him. hahah

Jarod, at the root of his soul, may be one of the most innocent mentalities I've ever encountered. Throughout the time we've known each other, I am constantly shocked by the genuinely good nature Jarod has.  Maybe it's because I expected different from a hockey player, but Jarod has a softer side to him than me at age 6, (when I cried everyday when I realized I had to go to school all day and had to be away from my dad...I was also a little afraid of my special ed reading teacher)  I take it in stride and realize that the things Jarod means to say aren't the things I think they mean.  Mostly because I have a cold heart and rely solely on sarcasm to impress people. There is so much I have to explain to Jarod about the world, not because he's stupid, but because he just doesn't understand how people could have ill intentions.  I love and hate this about him, but I love him more than words.  All I can do when he has some shocking statement is smile and agree.  If I really wanted to change him, I wouldn't have the Jarod that I've met and fell in love with.

So when Jarod tells me he doesn't want me to come down to Texas because I might be bad luck, I know he doesn't not want me around.  I know its for the same reason he hasn't gotten his hair cut or shaved his face.  He's trying to win it all for me and Sam. And that's just alright with me.

But it's not going to stop me from asking! :)

The Return of Did You Know:
The month of May is Asian/ American South Pacific Islander awareness month?  Compliments of Nick Jr. hahaha

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mommies and the Future of Vi...Palmer?

Happy Mother's Day!!

Soo, being a mommy now, I get another reason to celebrate all my goodness. Sammy can't show his appreciation through gifts or anything right now, but his cuddling has been the best gift he could give me every day!  Maybe, when he grows up, we can cuddle everyday on Mother's Day for 15 minutes.  Weird? Yes.  Will I ask him to do it when he's 15 and probs hating me?  Yes.
Tell me how you really feel, Sam

Everyone says they have the best mother in the world.  You know what?  I've got 3... and not in that lesbionic way.  My mom is perfect, best cook EVER, a little crazy, fun, and extremely loving (even though she covers it up with a bit of racism and judging).  She's been the reason for sooo many of my fantastic stories and honestly, is the reason why Sam was the baby he was when he was born, as well as the bratty little smart fella he is today.  I learned at to be a mom from her, for better or for worst (It's probably where I get my "SAMMAAAYYY!! STOP IT!" even though he doesn't understand how to listen right now anyway.)  Even though, sometimes, it seems like she is trying to steal my child, I love her dearly.

Wherever my mom has skipped moments, as we all do, I've had my sisters.  Yes, we fight, yes we bicker, yes, we talk behind each other's backs.... but I also do that with my mom, like everyday.   They seriously take care of me like they are moms.  They give me advice, steer me in the right direction, and scold me when I've done something wrong.  They don't just do it to make me feel bad (although sometimes... maaaybe) but they do it because they feel the need to take care of me and all my crazy messups.  Their instinct to do that is so much more than on a sister level, they care for me like I'm their baby.  and I love it!  They aren't moms yet, not even close, but one day, they're kids are going to be so crazy and fun and loving, it'll be insane!

Maybe I have a skewed view of what a mommy should be, but I wouldn't have my mommies be any other way, and I could never be another other type of mom.

What a big 12-15 months I've had!  I can't believe everything I've done.  After graduation, my little sister asked me "Are you glad it's done?"  As a mom would, I replied "When you have a kid, you'll realize, you're never done."  Finishing school just opened the door to so many other things that I have to do.  Now I'm a full time mommy, who is planning her wedding (weird, and out of order), planning on moving to God knows where, and then being a wife.  When it mix it all together, some of the jobs I will do will over lap so it'll be NBD.   But when you list it all out, it seems like a lot.  But seriously, any mommy that complains or tries to gain sympathy through all the work she has to do, shouldn't be a mom.  It's a thankless job!  GET USED TO IT ALREADY!!

So, as I thought, graduation was kind of a bummer.  Reason 357 of why I didn't want to go.  Jarod wasn't here, obvi, and I think the College of Arts and Science had THE worst speakers ever. ("In the film, the Kings Speech..." Sorry I still can't get over that)  I texted through the entire ceremony that lasted longer than it took to park.  I wish I had bought one of those electronic gaming systems.  On top of that, my parents missed them saying my name out loud (leading them to believe I didn't really graduate jk jk) and I hated that stooopid hat!!!  On a funny note, in the first half of the ceremony, Sammy started crying and I HEARD him.  I texted my sister and asked if Sammy just freaked out, and she said yes.  I recognized his cry? Whoa.  My BFF Brittni did a pub crawl in my honor, because I obvi don't have the alcoholic strength or energy to do it anymore.  How fantastic is she?
Graduation... I'm in the back

My fake degree

After all this was done, all I could think about was the future.  What AM I going to do?  My dad has given me several suggestions, and when it came down to it, we realized we needed a miracle.  Every choice I have right now, has at least one consequence to go with it.  There is no perfect route for me.  Somehow, my life choices has left me in a rut.  Every way you look at it, I will be taking a serious consequence down the road, and the only thing I can really do is pick what will keep my family (Jarod, Sammy and Me) together at this point.  Do you know what they call that?  Mommy Sacrifice.  Again, it's thankless and you just have to do it.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy to do what I can for my family, but at the same time, I can't help but think that somewhere, down the line, I made the wrong decision, and now, I'm kind of lost.  
All that's left is to pray for an answer.  I have to rely on something, much larger than myself, to help me take care of my family and guide me in the right direction.  As always, I can't wait to be led down this blind road to see what happens.  Obvi I'll write, and obvi I'm hoping for a reality show.

Check ya lata!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's Nearing the End!

Happy Birthday to Miss Ashley Flood (Soon-to-be Mrs. Buck!)  We love and miss you soo much! Can't wait to see you this summer when you come to the OxBox!!

Two large research papers and one exam down, I'm taking another one of my many breaks to do some wedding browsing.  Of course I couldn't hold off on it all under the week was mind is going absolutely crazy over it all!!! Forget the fact that I still haven't started studying for my 8 o'clock final, have not purchased a graduate gown, am planning on wearing a dress from my pregnancy, and am pretty sure I have forgotten how to use a hairdryer... I can't wait to be married!

I've been searching all the corners of the internet trying to get some concrete, REALISTIC ideas for my at-home wedding and I finally found something!

I haven't read any more of the blog than her wedding entry, but I believe that her last name must be young, and they have a house...and they're in love?  I swear, some of her ideas came straight out of my head, and it's GREAT to see that she actually pulled it off!  I've already utilized two of her money saving tips with ideas that I already had... at least I'm attempting to!

In other news...

Sammy is louder and crazier than ever!  He's already crawling all over the house, going up the step in my parent's house, and starting to pull himself up and attempting to walk away.  It's actually very dangerous.  haha.  The other day, he slipped and fell and hit his head on the hardwood flooring.  Oops, Mom!  The little guy has been singing up a storm and talking to no end. So cute!!

I will be posting a picture of the little monkey later today that you all will LOVE!!

Monday, May 2, 2011


So, I'm laying here, backwards on my childhood bed, NOT doing any work for my exams, feeling sorry for myself.  I have no motivation to get anything concrete down at this moment, so I thought I'd at least entertain myself with a blog entry and write down some random thoughts:

1. I'm still in utter disbelief that I spelled pandemonium correctly on the first try.  It's just one of those words that you don't use often, but is important to have in your vocabulary.  Like Mediterranean, (I still pronounce it with an emphasis on "an") you should just know it.

2. Sam's been whimpering like a puppy all night and it bugs me.  I decided to stay at my parents so I could have time to work on things without worrying about Sam.  They're usually the best babysitters, but I was pretty much Sam's babysitter this weekend.  I didn't get anything done. Crap.

3. I work a lot better when I've been drinking.  Especially when it comes to writing.  I have no creative flow when I'm tired and sleep deprived.  So far, I've written bits of my essay on French Rap Music and Rebellions.  This includes my title : The Rights of Hip Hop: Makin' Dolla Bills for Justice ... do you think that's catchy enough?  My professors always like my titles.

4.  My idol Coco T (Ice T's wife) is getting her own reality show on E! Do you know how much I LOVE this?  Scratch Jarod a sensitive musician/poet, I want him to be just like Ice.

5.  I have very poor grammar and math skillz.  Both of which, I've heard, are the basic foundations of being intelligent.  I guess I get a big "Oops" on that

6.  My mother has gotten exponentially more hilarious in the past few months.  Not in that senile way, either.  Her wit intrigues me.

7. I just did a 180 on my wedding. Totally different plans. Haven't told Jarod yet... Oops again!

8. All this rain makes my bones hurt.

9. It's really hard to find the numbers on my computer to make this list, so I'm gonna call it quits.

Sorry I stopped short of ten, but my eyes hurt and I don't have anything creative to say.